> P.S. Ian, are you sure
you don't want to do this next year? You seem to have lots of opinions on the
matter, and you know what happens to people with > lots of opinions, right? :)
Well this is my first time being involved in
naming the release train. Unfortunately, someone asked my opinion, so in the
future be careful what you ask for. J I think the Planning Council does
a fine job picking release names.
Oliver E Cole
---04/14/2009 10:18:34 AM--- I just responded to this in the bug entry. As I
stated there, I am not wed to an H prefix, but
Oliver E Cole <oec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
04/14/2009 10:18 AM
Re: Naming the train,,,
Sent by:
I just responded to this in the bug entry.
As I stated there, I am not wed to an H
prefix, but it does have an
advantage of ordering the trains both backward and
Also, it would be different if there was a
great name that was
proposed, rather than spending time discussing
whether an H prefix is
necessary. I think it would be more
productive if people suggested
specific great names......
As I said in the bug, I will resend the mass
emails and solicit great
names and then throw it up for a doodle poll.
I will not restrict the
name choices to H*, and then we can let the doodle
poll guide the final
Ian, what is the calendar deadline for
picking the name?
Ian Skerrett wrote:
> Is there are reason we are restricting the
names to begin with 'H'? Seems
> like finding a great name should be top
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliver E Cole [mailto:oec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 4:47 PM
> To: eclipse.org-planning-council
> Cc: Ian Skerrett
> Subject: Naming the train,,,
> Dave Williams, Emperor
Extraordinaire, as was my action item from the
> eclipsecon PC meeting, I ran the doodle poll,
> http://www.doodle.com/7vxa2bzzcydtmyvq
> using the moon names that were in the
PC meeting notes.
> This generated a bunch of discussion
and a bug was opened to capture
> all this great back and forth:
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=271054
> So, where do we go from here?
> I suggest:
> - we go with a name that
starts with H.
> - we change the current
theme to scientists (even though there are
> lots of moons in the solar system, there
seems to be a desire to change
> the theme....)
> - I will grab a bunch of
H scientists names and send em out and
> solicit more H names from the community.
Give 10 days for people to
> respond.
> - rerun doodle pool with
the pool of H names.
> Ok?
> --oec
Oliver E Cole
OC Systems
Lee Hwy, Suite 270
(v) 703.359.8160 x160
Fairfax, VA, 22030
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