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RE: [eclipse.org-planning-council] RE:[eclipse.org-membership-at-large] Eclipse Project AnnouncementandProject Review Schedule
Title: Re: [eclipse.org-planning-council] RE: [eclipse.org-membership-at-large] Eclipse Project Announcement andProject Review Schedule
As long as "full-time" remains a hard requirement then I
think we'll be SOL. There are few organizations that have the capability to
dedicate full time resources to the Platform. But I do know a hand full of
really good contributors that can dedicate their time issue by issue. And I'd
rather they fix the platform than spend their time working on workarounds at the
CDT layer.
I believe now is the time for us (other member
companies) to declare/commit resources to this platform effort. Im sure
theyre open to serious interest (read: qualified, dedicated, full-timers) for
inclusion at this point.
- Rich
On 3/6/08 10:05 AM, "Gaff,
Doug" <doug.gaff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Planning
At the risk of starting a fight, is anyone else bothered
by the fact that this initial committer list is composed almost exclusively of
IBM engineers?
It seems that its time for the platform project
to live up to the diversity standard by which all other projects are judged.
Perhaps Eclipse 4.0 is the time to make that change?
eclipse.org-membership-at-large-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipse.org-membership-at-large-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Anne Jacko
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 8:54
To: eclipse.org-membership-at-large@xxxxxxxxxxx;
[eclipse.org-membership-at-large] Eclipse Project Announcement andProject
Review Schedule
Please see below for
information about a new component, and for the list of upcoming Eclipse
project reviews. Thanks.
The Eclipse Project
PMC is announcing a new component, called E4, as part of the
Eclipse Project Incubator.
Component Description:
During the Eclipse Project 3.4 release cycle, one of the important
plan items was "Create the Eclipse 4.0 Plan". The intent of this work was to
identify the most pressing issues that would impact the ongoing success of
Eclipse, and come up with a plan to address them. The result was the
design of a new platform "e4", which will be the basis for Eclipse 4.0.
The goal of the e4 component is to provide a public venue for the
initial explorations that were done, leading up to the e4 design. We expect to
continue to work in this area until we have reached consensus on how the full
e4 effort will be structured.
Initial Committers:
Appel, fappel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:fappel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Frank is Software Developer at Innoopract
Informationssysteme GmbH and works currently on the Rich Ajax Platform (RAP)
Project as technical lead. He has been development lead of Innoopract's
W4Toolkit (which has been the base of the code donation for the RAP Project)
and W4T Eclipse - a visual web application development tool for W4Toolkit. He
started developing Eclipse plugins in 2002 and has expert knowledge in
architecture of Eclipse-based systems, Eclipse Platform APIs and
Kevin Barnes Kevin_Barnes@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Kevin_Barnes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Kevin joined the SWT team two years ago. Before
that, he has been working on the Eclipse Debug Framework and JDT Debugger.
Before coming to IBM he was an integral member of the team at IAM Consulting,
working on projects such as IAM->Developing - a collaborative java IDE.
Boris Bokowski, Boris_Bokowski@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Boris_Bokowski@xxxxxxxxxx>
Boris Bokowski is a Software Developer with IBM
Rational Software in Ottawa, Canada and a full-time Eclipse committer working
on the Platform UI team. He is part of the "API police" for the Eclipse
Platform, and a member of the Eclipse Architecture Council. Boris is looking
at the UI side of the RCP, and among other areas owns the JFace viewers
component. He is also the main architect of the JFace data binding framework.
He holds a PhD in computer science from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Maxime Daniel, maxime_daniel@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:maxime_daniel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Maxime Daniel is a JDT Core committer. He works on
the Eclipse compiler.
Grant Gayed, Grant_Gayed@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Grant_Gayed@xxxxxxxxxx>
Grant Gayed has been an SWT committer since work
began on Eclipse 2.0. His areas of expertise include widgets, accessibility
and X Windows based systems. Previous to SWT, he has worked in the UI groups
for Eclipse and VisualAge for Java.
Bogdan Gheorghe
Bogdan_Gheorghe@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Bogdan_Gheorghe@xxxxxxxxxx>
Bogdan has been working on the SWT component since
January 2007 and is an expert on GTK.
Felipe Heidrich
Felipe_Heidrich@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Felipe_Heidrich@xxxxxxxxxx>
Felipe has been an SWT committer for many years.
He is a jack of all trades contributing to all areas of SWT. His main focus is
on StyledText and Internationalization.
Ruediger Herrmann,
rherrmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rherrmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Rüdiger works at Innoopract Informationssysteme
GmbH as of the core committers on the Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Project.
Kim Horne, Kim_Horne@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Kim_Horne@xxxxxxxxxx>
Kim studied at Dalhousie University in Nova
Scotia, Canada and has been working with the IBM Ottawa team since 2003. She
initially worked on WebSphere Studio Device Developer but later moved on to
the Eclipse Platform UI team where she's been since the 3.0 release. While
working on Eclipse, Kim has been responsible for the capabilities framework,
dynamic plug-ins, themes, the weekly ordering of curry, and other sundry
activities. Kim also has experience with J2ME development, web applications
and infrastructure, and e-commerce technologies. Kim is an unapologetic
Jochen Krause, jkrause@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jkrause@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Jochen Krause has been involved with Eclipse since
2002 and represents Innoopract on the Eclipse Board of Directors. He is the
project lead for the Eclipse RAP project. At Innoopract, a recognized
specialist in Eclipse distribution and web application development, he is
responsible for strategy and product development. He has driven the adoption
of Eclipse as the foundation of all of Innoopracts product offerings. By
supporting Fortune 500 companies engaging with Eclipse technology he gained a
broad understanding of the requirements and needs of the Eclipse enterprise
Carolyn MacLeod Carolyn_MacLeod@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Carolyn_MacLeod@xxxxxxxxxx>
Carolyn has been with SWT from the start. She is
the authority on SWT accessibility.
Jeff McAffer,
jeff@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jeff@xxxxxxxxx>
Jeff McAffer leads the Eclipse Equinox OSGi, RCP and Orbit
teams and is the founder of Code 9. He is one of the architects of the Eclipse
Platform and a co-author of The Eclipse Rich Client Platform (Addison-Wesley).
Jeff is also a member of the Eclipse Project PMC, the Tools Project PMC, the
Eclipse Architecture Council and the Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors.
Jeff is currently interested all aspects of Eclipse componentry from
designing, developing and building bundles to deploying, installing and
ultimately running them. Previous lives include being a Senior Technical Staff
Member at IBM, work in distributed/parallel OO computing (Server Smalltalk,
massively parallel Smalltalk, etc) as well as expert systems, meta-level
architectures and a PhD at the University of Tokyo.
Kevin McGuire,
Kevin_McGuire@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Kevin_McGuire@xxxxxxxxxx>
Kevin's history with Eclipse is about as long as
you can get, being one of the original Eclipse team members before it went
open source. His area of specialty user interface design and development. He's
had various Eclipse related roles including team lead and committer for
Team/CVS, UI design and development lead for IBM WebSphere Integration
Developer, and presently a member of the Eclipse Platform UI team. Before
Eclipse, Kevin has been a team lead and developer on IBM and OTI tooling
projects such as Visual Age for Java, Visual Age for Smalltalk, and Envy
Eric Moffatt, emoffatt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:emoffatt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Eric graduated from U of Waterloo in 1981 and has
been doing GUI work ever since. He joined the Platform UI team in 2005 where
he has been focusing on enhancing the UI (e.g. the new Maximize/Minimize
Philippe Mulet, philippe_mulet@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:philippe_mulet@xxxxxxxxxx>
Philippe is the lead for the Eclipse Java Tools.
Prior to Eclipse, Philippe was responsible for the compiler and codeassist in
IBM VA/Java and VA/Micro Edition. Philippe is a member of the expert group on
compiler API (JSR199), representing IBM. His main interests are in
compilation, performance, scalability and meta-level architectures. Philippe
is a member of the Eclipse Platform Project PMC.
Duong Nguyen
Duong_Nguyen@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Duong_Nguyen@xxxxxxxxxx>
Bogdan has been working on the SWT component since
January 2007 and is an expert on Drag and Drop, Custom Controls and OLE.
Steve Northover Steve_Northover@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Steve_Northover@xxxxxxxxxx>
Steve Northover is the father of SWT (The Standard
Widget Toolkit). His interests include programming languages, API design,
operating systems, user intefaces and code optimization.
Quarti Silenio_Quarti@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Silenio_Quarti@xxxxxxxxxx>
Silenio Quarti is the technical lead for SWT. His
areas of expertise include graphics, widgets, threading, optimization and
operating system programming. He has been intimately involved with both the
design and implementation of SWT for many years.
Paul Webster,
Paul_Webster@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Paul_Webster@xxxxxxxxxx>
Paul Webster received a B.A.Sc. in Computer
Engineering from the University of Waterloo in 1994. After many years working
on telephony software and network configuration software in Java and C++, Paul
joined the IBM Eclipse Platform UI team in May 2005 and is currently working
for IBM Rational Software. Paul is responsible for command and handlers,
keybindings, and menu contributions.
Mike "McQ" Wilson,
Mike_Wilson@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Mike_Wilson@xxxxxxxxxx>
McQ is an Eclipse Project PMC member, representing
the Platform and Incubator projects. He is also the Eclipse Project Platform
UI team lead and has in the past lead the Resources, Team and SWT teams. He is
a member of the Eclipse Architecture Council, and one of the original founders
of Eclipse. His technical interests are programming languages, UI design, and
web development. He also plays the cello, and is a fan of MMORPGs.
Nikola Zelenkov Nikola_Zelenkov@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Nikola_Zelenkov@xxxxxxxxxx>
Nikola has been working on the SWT code for eight
months and his area of expertise is _javascript_ and Dojo.
-- Mike
Wilson, Philippe Mulet and Steve Northover or the Eclipse Project
Project Reviews
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 Parallel Tools Platform <http://www.eclipse.org/ptp/>
2.0 Release Review (slides
, project log <http://www.eclipse.org/projects/slides/PTP_2.0_project_log.csv>
) at 1500 UTC <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=12&year=2008&hour=15&min=00&sec=0&p1=0>
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 Equinox Transform Bundles <http://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox_Transforms>
Graduation Release Review (slides <http://www.eclipse.org/projects/slides/Equinox%20Transforms%20Review.pdf>
, project log <http://www.eclipse.org/projects/slides/Equinox_Transform_Bundles_IPlog.html>
) at 1500 UTC <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=12&year=2008&hour=15&min=00&sec=0&p1=0>
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 RT <http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/rt/>
Creation Review (slides <http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/rt/RT%20creation%20review.pdf>
) at 1500 UTC <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=12&year=2008&hour=15&min=00&sec=0&p1=0>
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 EEP <http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/eep/>
Creation Review (slides <http://www.eclipse.org/proposals/eep/Examples%20Creation%20Review.pdf>
) at 1500 UTC <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=12&year=2008&hour=15&min=00&sec=0&p1=0>
Reviews are held on a conference call for Eclipse Members <http://www.eclipse.org/membership/>
. Members (and committers are members) are directed to the MyFoundation portal <http://portal.eclipse.org/> for
the call-in information. If you do not have access to the portal, send email to EMO <mailto:emo@xxxxxxxxxxx?Subject=Review%20Call%20Information>
to request the call information.