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Re: [] RE: [cross-project-issues-dev]EclipseCon and Ganymede M5

-1 for Win64 since it is not an officially supported Platform as per the
    Eclipse Project Plan. Of course win32, linux-gtk32 and Mac should
    be there; I'm not even sure about linux-gtk64, how many people
    would have a Laptop that can ONLY run linux64 and NOT linux32??

Well, I use win32 and lin32, so I was only offering the 64bit ones assuming people would be coming with newer OSes and hardware. But if, as you say, they're neither popular nor officially supported, then we can save ~120M by excluding them.

Or can anybody come up with an even simpler installation story?

1. Put all the features and plugins into an .eclipseextension folder (as if actually "installed" on the stick, including unpacking feature jars). Installation is then

Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration... > Add an Extension Location > (restart when prompted).

Optionally, they could copy that folder to their hard drive and point Manage Config at a local folder rather than at the stick.

2. Put the features & plugins into MULTIPLE .eclipseextension folders (one per functional group) so that people can install chunks (by repeating step 1 above for each folder) rather than the entire whole. Benefit here is a smaller Eclipse install. Detriment is less "full install" cross-project testing by attendees. Smaller memory footprint with less startup plugins loaded. Choices would probably align along the same lines as the EPP bundles. One added wrinkle, too, is that if chunks are installed in the wrong order and user restarts Eclipse in between, things may end up temporarily broken (eg., installing WTP chunk w/o EMF chunk first) until subsequent extension folders are added.


The reason this is arguably "simpler" than making people use a "local update site" is twofold. a) less typing for users (at the expense of more work for whomever is setting up the stick); b) files can simply be copied; Update Manager 'pick-and-choose' process is avoided, and nothing needs to be unpacked / duplicated on disk.

And it introduces people to oft-unheard of art of maintaining installed features via Extension Locations. ;-)


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