A two level train might be fine if the
releases were indeed at the same time. I guess the question would be, what
would you do if a +1 project ended up being at the second level, or even, and
it could be possible, the 0 project. The downstream affects could be tough,
especially if they couldn’t make it on time because of the IP delay.
And, yes, if members of the board vote for
a set of requirements, they better put resources on making those requirements
happen. Which, now that I think about it also creates a two tier system,
committers that have to work on meeting the requirements and the others who can
work on whatever they want to.
At the end of the day, it’s a tough
situation to set up a requirements process in this environment and it’ll
take a really creative solution to make it happen.
From: eclipse.org-planning-council-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:eclipse.org-planning-council-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007
4:07 PM
To: eclipse.org-planning-council
Subject: Re:
[eclipse.org-planning-council] A suggested topic for Planning Council
Doug, (and everyone)
I agree - if there are no people or people hours, there will be no code, no
matter how much the Board wishes for it to happen. One could argue (I have
argued) that the Board controls the people hours, so if they want to define a
requirement, they should supply the resources, but somehow that logical
situation doesn't always come true.
Do you really think it would poison the community if there were a two-level
train? A "meet all the requirements" level (the gold medal) and a
"simultaneously release" level (the silver medal)? Maybe if the
packages and the main update site contained the gold seal projects, but that
the silver projects were also (if there was time to review the IP) available at
the same time?
- Bjorn
Doug Schaefer wrote:
As for requirements, other than holding up the IP process
I’m not sure what stick the EMO has to enforce projects meet the
requirements. If projects don’t have the resources or the mandate from
the employers of the resources to do the work, it doesn’t happen. And if
you kick projects off the train because of that, that could poison the
community. The best stick still is influencing and that involves good communication
channels open between the requirers and requirees, and, of course, a reasonable
set of requirements.