Requirements Council, (CC: Planning Council)
This email is very important – it’s not the
usual YADDA YADDA. You need to read and take action.
It appears we need a “reboot” of the mandate,
and perhaps participants, of the Requirements Council. Based on feedback
from several of you, based on the lack of interest towards RC meetings, based
on lack of willingness for many Strategic members to participate at all, and
the fact that many organizations have a single rep for both RC and PC, it
appears the value generated through the RC is not enough to justify your time
and travel expense. The current set of role of the Requirements
Council can be found here [1].
The Board of Directors has an agenda item for the December
meeting to discuss what the role of the Eclipse Road Map should be moving
forward. Thus we, as the Requirements Council, have a golden opportunity
to provide input to the board and determine the role we play. I think
there is agreement we need to do more than maintain the T&P in the Road Map.
For our RC meeting on Tuesday November 6th, I would like
each of you to work with your board representatives, your peers in the Planning
Council and others within your organization to plan to discuss the following
three questions:
What does your
Organization think the Eclipse Road Map should be? (This will help your
board rep prepare for the board discussion in December). See [2] and search for
“Road Map” for more details
Following on – Is
your Organization willing to put resources (your time, your Committers time,
etc) into making that vision of the Road Map happen.
you believe the Requirements Council should be responsible to set requirements
(both high level and specific) to be part of the Eclipse release trains?
YES, please give two examples of the kind of requirements that the RC should
What other things does
your organization believe the RC should do to be of high value to you, our
strategic members? Two ideas to get you started are:
of a Annual Report used to promote Strategic Memebers to the Ecosystem
time with industry Analysts and mentors culminating in a quarterly report of
3rd party insights and opportunities in the Eclipse Ecosystem
Donald Smith
Director of Ecosystem Development
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
P:+1 613 224 9461 x231
C:+1 613 292 5160
F:+1 212 918 1619