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[] Notes from test installs of Europa RC0 (part 1)

After I manually fixed the DSDP-DD error in digest.xml file and the jarpackager induced bug at 23126:116 (missing space in between ..."true" and search-location...)
<includes id="" version="4.4.0.v200704260100-7A7A-1mA55P5J5J5E_8" optional="true"search-location="2" />
in <feature label="TPTP Test Tools" provider-name="" id="" version="4.3.0.v200705040100-7E7C-1vNDHQ96HMBZBQ6K6FA9" >
(The TPTP feature.xml file contains:
but somehow the jarpackager munges that.)

(1) Loading everything at once.
  1. Buckmister - Subversion support required org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core which the update manager does not find in the Europa distro.
  2. SOA Tools Platform required org.apache.cxf which the update manager does not find in the Europa distro.
  3. ..restart..
  4. Errors in these projects appear in the error log (see attached log1.log)
    1. DLTK: Cannot bind to an undefined command
    2. ECF: Error reading help table of contents file /"org.eclipse.ecf.doc/tocextpoint.xml"
    3. JDT Debug UI: Handler conflicts
    4. MYLAR and JST Page Designer: Conflict between key bindings: CTRL+SHIFT+F9 and CTRL+SHIFT+F12
    5. MYLAR: two thread timeouts in org.eclipse.mylar.tasks.ui.TasksUiPlugin
    6. MONKEY: Handler conflicts
    7. TPTP: Handler conflicts
    8. UML2: Handler conflicts
(2) CDT on top of fresh platform - jars are not signed. Otherwise installs and can create a blank new project.
(3) BIRT on top of fresh platform - installs and can create a blank new project.

More later today...

Attachment: log1_log.DEFANGED-869
Description: application/defanged-869

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