Planning Council Members, David, Doug,
My apologies for the tardiness of this agenda.
The schedule for the meetings returns to
the "Portland style":
Tuesday 13 |
Wednesday 14 |
Thursday 15 |
am |
Requirements |
Plenary w/
Board |
Planning |
pm |
1/2 |
2/2 |
eve |
dinner w/ Board |
You've all already made hotel reservations, but just in case you forgot
where it is, the hotel is the Serrano Hotel,
405 Taylor Street,
San Francisco
Action Items From Last Meeting
- [Bjorn FB] Standard website content. (see below)
- [Bjorn FB] Status reporting format (see below)
- [Bjorn FB] Update guidelines - half done.
- [Bjorn FB] Bugzilla emails showing up on Google.
I have these goals for the Planning Council next week: [leader]
- [All] Choose a time for monthly Planning Council/Callisto calls.
I think it is extremely important that we, collectively, make sure that
we're doing enough coordination for Callisto. Kevin invited everyone to
join the Platform calls, but I think that we need a bit more than that.
- [All] Formalize the time line for Callisto. As Tim suggested "written details on
timing, ramp down process, etc.". My goal for this
meeting is to collectively write a draft and assign actions to someone
to finish the document and make it available. Kevin suggested that we
need "a better download page ... and ... using the update manager".
- [All] Understand the new /project-info/ directory and PHP
ProjectNav class. Documentation here
(to be filled in before the Council meeting). These two will create the
"four standard left nav links" requested last meeting and they will
auto-gen the Roadmap pages and they provision various bits of the
website (the projects page, the dashboard, etc).
The Callisto projects are:
Group Dinner Tuesday Night
cocktails, 1900 dinner at the Ponzu Restaurant (at the hotel). Those of
you who pre-registered for dinner know who you are. Those of you who
didn't - well, there aren't any seats left in the dining area, sorry.
Plenary Session Wednesday Morning
- 0830: Continental Breakfast
- 1000: Steven O'Grady (Redmonk): Building Communities
- 1015: Break
- 1100: Topic Leader: Mike Norman
very interested in interoperability amongst projects, not just in terms
of interop through the platform, but interop with each other. There
are related issues of re-use, packaging, release trains, quality etc.
There's a balance to be struck between a top-down and a bottom-up
model. This is something that I think would be a useful area for the
board to flesh out a policy. However, it's not really for EMO
execution, more something that is in scope of the Councils, so it ends
up back with the member organizations, with EMO facilitation.
- 1200: Topic Leader: Bjorn Freeman-Benson
the Board and the Projects see the development process differently. The
Board wants protection; the Projects want freedom; each side needs to
understand that there is value in the other's view and that some middle
ground is going to be the best solution.