Hi Bjorn,
Not sure if this ever got resolved, but I’m
only seeing this now because of my sabbatical.
Where are these going to be held?
I prefer Dec 6 – 8 because of
traveled scheduled at the end of the following week, but if the planning
meetings are on the 13th, I could come out for part of the time.
From: eclipse.org-planning-council-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:eclipse.org-planning-council-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005
11:33 AM
[eclipse.org-planning-council] Q4 meetings schedule?
Council Members,
I have tentatively planned the Q4 (December) Council meetings for Dec
6,7,8. At least one member cannot make those dates, so alternatively we
might consider Dec 13,14,15. Could you send me an email if you have
preferences or restrictions around either of those dates? I'd like to
settle the dates before the Member's meeting next week. Thanks.