NGA wants to join because they want to fully participate in an
active and successful open source community. It has nothing to do
with a separate standards setting process. The OGC is not
authorized to represent their interests at Eclipse, or
LocationTech, or anywhere else, and any implication to the
contrary is just wrong.
This is the last email I am writing to you on this thread.
On 04/08/2015 12:43 PM, Werner Keil wrote:
About which aspect, that they should have a voice at the
(hopefully not about the democratic way of voting, but
again, that's up to each EC or other member, how they come to
those conclusions;-)
I know (because at least one of them uses stuff I help
create;-) which OGC standards are used via GeoAPI and similar
projects at LocationTech.
So if a company wants to shape these standards they
certainly won't do at LocationTech (you said on several
occasions, Eclipse is not a standard-setting organization) but
directly at OGC, especially if they're Strategic Member there.
If a particular organization wanted to start an IMPLEMENTING
project at Eclipse/LocationTech, well then there may be use
for a second membership.
From a fee perspective, it certainly would make sense for
I'm sorry, but you are just completely wrong.
On 04/08/2015 12:15 PM, Werner Keil wrote:
While members (including Oracle, IBM and
others) have their own seat in the EC of the JCP,
OGC is a "Participating" member of LocationTech http://locationtech.org/members
So that would qualify it to run for the
steering committee (somewhat similar to the JCP
EC) and it should have a vote in elections like
that for the Steering Committee.
Maybe like JUGs (or Eclipse, I am not aware
it's member of any EG;-) it would not qualify to
join or lead a LocationTech project, but it does
have "a voice" it seems, if only one.
So depending on how they make their decisions
(asking their members or not) that voice could
well be influenced by its own members, especially
if they're "Strategic".
At least certain JUGs like the LJC are often
vocal and transparent about doing an internal
voting and discussion process first before their
EC reps cast a vote.
I can't speak for you or Wayne but I guess
someone at least in the Board, Architecture
Council or (say for IoT) a WG also consulted
before voting on certain JSRs?;-)
On 04/08/2015 11:37 AM, Werner Keil wrote:
> See http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogc/members
NGA is already
> represented at Eclipse and LocationTech
by Open Geospatial Consortium
You are mistaken. The OGC in no way represents
any of its members at
Eclipse or LocationTech. Just as Eclipse
cannot speak on behalf of any
of its members at the JCP or other
organizations that we belong to.
Mike Milinkovich
+1.613.220.3223 (mobile)