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Re: [] Orion workshop/tutorial at ECE

> Regarding hackathons: Even though I really like programming / hacking, I
> personally wouldn't do that on a conference, since I find the socializing
> more important. That's why I think even a very well prepared hackathon
> wouldn't get the attention that it deserves when it's done as a night
session. But I
> like the idea to do it in parallel to other long-running sessions /
symposia or
> probaly even in parallel to the tutorials. As soon as people got started
> hacking, chances are good that they will continue that after the
conference or in
> their spare-time. Does that make sense?

Just a suggestion: Rather than calling this a hackathon, how about making it
a tutorial or workshop on "How to get your changes accepted by JDT"? In
other words, a workshop specifically tailored to educate people on how to
maximize the possibility that the feature or bug fix that they've always
wanted to get into JDT would be accepted. Topics would include an
architectural overview, API stability, long-term maintainability, workflow,
testing conventions, documentation requirements, etc.

I'm guessing that there are many improvements to this idea that others can
suggest. But I do think that it would be a popular subject. Also, it is a
relatively rare event to be able to welcome 4 people from the platform team
to an EclipseCon. Especially since they are being provided with a mandate to
prepare such an event we should try to find a way to best make use of their

My 2 cents.

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