Greetings Committers.
Our March 2024 Committer Office hours are scheduled for next Thursday. Details are at the bottom of this message.
I'd like to remind you that Eclipse open source projects are required to operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner. These fundamental principles are the foundation of the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and the basis for vendor neutral open source.
Committer Elections
The process of adding committers to your project is also open, transparent, and meritocratic. Before somebody can be granted committer status, they need to demonstrate through a public record of quality contribution that they are ready to take on the responsibility.
In the nomination criteria for a
committer election, this most often takes the form of a list of merged commits (a pointer to the candidate's commit record is generally sufficient).
The fact that somebody has been hired by your organisation to take the role, is irrelevant in the context of a committer election.
If somebody is ready to be a committer on your project, they should reasonably be able to provide contributions in the form of merge or pull requests, or engage in meaningful discourse on issues and other public communication channels to demonstrate that they're ready to take on that responsibility.
Google Summer of Code
The Eclipse Foundation has been accepted as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code 2024. Through this programme, students can access funding to work on open source projects. It's best that you think of this as an opportunity to build a relationship with a student rather than as a means to get some free work done. While it's often the case that we're able to get some quality contributions from students, they come at the expense of mentoring effort. Again, it's best to think of it as an opportunity to build a relationship with potential to pay off in the long run.
To give students a fighting chance of having their proposal accepted, we provide a list of project ideas. We'd like to add a few ideas for small (90h) student projects related to security. For example:
- Adding/integrating your Eclipse project with sigstore;
- Adding support for Fuzzing via OSS-Fuzz, or expanding fuzzing coverage where it already exists;
- Remediating known vulnerabilities;
- Improving build/release security by automating builds, releases, adding build provenance, signing and improving reproducibility; or
- Improving OpenSSF Scorecard scores of projects (remediating various risk assessments).
Accepted student projects will benefit from working in collaboration with a mentor from GOSST (Google Open Source Security team). Please contact the EMO ASAP if you are interested in getting your Eclipse project involved.
Office Hours
During this session, we'll tackle some frequently asked questions. We already have a pretty good list, but if there's something that you'd like to add to the list, let me know.
March 14 2024 at 1330h UTC (1430h CET, 0930h EDT)
We'll capture a recording of this session and include it along with the recordings of past sessions on the EMO's
Project Calendar page (note that there are links on this page to import our calendar).
-- Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation
My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.