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[] Eclipse project declaration and project announcement

Hello all,

Please see below for a Declaration for the IAM project, and an announcement for a new component of the EMFT project. Thanks.

Anne Jacko


Declaration for the Integration for Apache Maven (IAM) Project

The Eclipse Integration for Apache Maven (IAM) Project ( is a new project proposal under the Eclipse Technology Project.

The goal of IAM is to provide out-of-the-box Eclipse integration for Apache Maven. Apache Maven helps to eliminate build process failures, and enables organizations to control and protect against the inclusion of incompatible components during the earliest testing, integration, and packaging phases of a typical development life cycle.

You are invited to comment on and/or join the project. Please send all feedback to the newsgroup.


Mint Component Creation

The EMFT project would like to announce the creation of the Mint component. The proposal can be found here: All votes on the creation of Mint were +1; see We will be adding Peter Nehrer as an EMFT committer for the Mint component.

Mint is a component in the Eclipse Modeling Framework Technology (EMFT) project whose goal is to improve out-of-the-box Java developer experience when writing EMF-based software. This is accomplished by extending Java Development Tools (JDT) with EMF-specific enhancements. The initial contribution consists of filters and decorators for highlighting EMF-generated code, Java search integration, as well as editor enhancements for navigating from EMF models to generated Java code. It is expected that the scope of this component will be further shaped by community feedback.

Ed Merks, Modeling PMC Lead


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