Declaration for the Tools for Mobile Linux (TmL)
Per the Eclipse Development Process, Motorola is
proposing a new project, Tools for Mobile Linux
The primary focus of the
Eclipse TmL project will be to provide the extensible frameworks and
exemplary tools for the development of C++ applications targeting
mobile devices. We propose this project should be undertaken within the
top-level Eclipse Device Software Development Platform (DSDP) project.
Consistent with the scope of the DSDP project, we
envision that the Eclipse TmL project will provide a home for embedded
Linux extensions across a wide range of existing and future Eclipse
projects. The Eclipse Tml project will work with several related
top-level Eclipse projects such as the Tools project (especially in the
CDT and Modeling sub-projects) and Test and Performance (especially in
the Monitoring Tools, Testing Tools, and Tracing and Profiling
sub-projects) as well as working with the other DSDP sub-projects
including Target Management, Device Debug, and Mobile Tools for Java.
You are invited to comment on and/or join the project. Please send any
feedback to the eclipse.dsdp.tml newsgroup.