Greetings folks. My apologies for not getting this note out earlier.
The Face-to-face meeting will be on Thursday, running from 10:30 to
12:35 in the Living Room on the first floor (near reception).
I would like to invite Paul White to come by and talk about FEEP.
Other topics:
1) Every Detail Matters for the Neon Release
2) AC/PC help with The Great Fixes programme
3) Neon Release Status (David?)
4) Project Mentoring is broken. What do we do about it?
5) Impact of Eclipse Che
6) Typical existential discussion
It would be great, IMHO, if Markus can spend a few minutes talking
about the new package structure.
Are there any other topics to add?
Note that the mentoring is broken bit is not in any way intended to
shame anybody who is a mentor. How we do mentoring organizationally
is broken.
My experience with the WiFi so far has been pretty good. We may be
able to get away with a Google Hangout to include those who cannot
be here in the discussion. I will hunt down a conference phone to
have as a backup. I'll send out dial-in/contact information when it
is available.
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation