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Re: [] Votin' on JSRs

Sorry I was actually asking about JSRs in particular, and your answer is helpful in that regard.

Thanks, Martin!

"Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Hi Benjamin,


The AC homepage has some “About the AC” bits that might be interesting for you, based on the Eclipse Bylaws cited in “About the AC”:


More practically, you’re simply invited to follow the mailing list, participate in discussions sharing your experience, and be open to taking an action items once in a while when they come up in a discussion.

If you’re active as a project’s mentor, you should be informed about how that project is doing, be ready to help that project, and inform that project about relevant news at Eclipse.


I’m typically sending a welcome E-Mail based on the following template to new members:


A bit more specifically, the “Dormant Status” explains how we feel about neglecting the simple ask for participation:


We’ve never defined a process for voting on JSR’s – I’ll let Wayne or Mike comment on what they expect there, but I guess it’s simply an invitation to you as an experienced member of the Eclipse Community;

It allows you to influence Java when you feel like you have a vested interest in something; one of the benefits of being an AC member.


Does that help or have you been asking for anything more specific ?





Martin Oberhuber, SMTS / Product Architect – Development Tools, Wind River

direct +43.662.457915.85  fax +43.662.457915.6


From: [] On Behalf Of Benjamin Cabé
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [] Votin' on JSRs




Is there a page somewhere on the wiki or any kind of quick explanation of what is expected from the AC members, for the newbies like myself? :)






De : Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Répondre à : "" <>
Date : mardi 19 février 2013 21:09
À : "" <>
Objet : [] Votin' on JSRs



Greetings Architecture Council. It's been a while since we've had a JCP vote... Your input is appreciated on the following JSRs.



This is a courtesy reminder that the EC Ballot is available for voting.
There are new items on the ballot this week.
JSR 345 Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2 - Public Review
Lasts day to vote: 4 March 2013
URL for Public Review materials:  
JSR 340 Java Servlet 3.1 Specification - Public Review
Last day to vote: 25 February 2013
URL for Public Review materials:
JSR 342 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 - Public Review
Last day to vote: 25 February 2013
URL for Public Review materials:
The following JSR is in Early Draft Review; please review it and provide feedback during the review.
JSR 335 - Lambda Expressions for the Java Programming Language - Early Draft Review 3
Last day of review: 2 March 2013
URL for EDR 3 materials:
The following JSRs have produced change logs for Maintenance Reviews; please review them and notify the PMO if you take exception to any of the proposed changes.
JSR 332 - Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 - Maintenance Review
Last day to submit Item Exceptions: 6 March 2013
URL for Maintenance Review:
JSR 919 JavaMail - Maintenance Review 3
Last day to submit Item Exceptions: 6 March 2013
URL for Maintenance Review:

Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
Learn about Eclipse Projects
EclipseCon 2013



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