None of these are the bug that I spoke of on the call :-(
I guess I never did make that bug. Here's what I'm thinking.
With the new project management infrastructure [1], we have a means
of specifying all of the information typically associated with a
release directly in the system. From there, we can present the
information as "release documentation".
I'd like to try and move myself out of the way as a bottleneck to
doing releases. It should be enough for a project to specify their
release information into the system. With that information provided,
we can easily disseminate it to the community.
I intend to set up warnings when an attempt is made to create a
release that is less than seven days into the future. Further, I we
will notify the PMC, EMO, and project of all pending releases and
any new release entries that are in the past. This will give the PMC
and EMO the opportunity to review the documentation captured for
those releases and discuss issues/problems with the project.
Does this make sense?
On 05/10/2012 11:50 AM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Greetings Architecture Council:
Here are some bugs that I'd like your input on.
There's many other Architecture Council bugs that have not been
addressed. I'll take a pass through them and suggest that others
do the same.
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
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Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
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