On 12-04-12 10:39 AM, "Mos, Adrian" <
adrian.mos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Apologies, I cannot make this call either.
>-----Original Message-----
eclipse.org-architecture-council-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
>Of Sebastien Gandon
>Sent: 12 April 2012 09:37
>To: Andrew Overholt; eclipse.org-architecture-council
>Subject: Re: [eclipse.org-architecture-council] AC meeting tomorrow using
>Asterisk bridge
>Hi everybody,
>I am sorry I will not be able to attend the call.
>Sébastien Gandon
>Eclipse Software Architect
>Email :
sgandon@xxxxxxxxxx | Skype :
sebastien.gandon.talend.com Talend
>SA | 9, rue Pagès - 92150 Suresnes - France |
+33 1 46 25 06 00 |
www.talend.com <
http://www.talend.com> Global Leader in Open Source
> <
>Le 11/04/12 20:52, « Andrew Overholt » <
overholt@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
>>We have our regular monthly call tomorrow:
>> 1500 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin
>>This time we'll try to use the Eclipse Foundation's Asterisk setup:
>> Ottawa (local call in Ottawa)
1-613-288-9131 North America (toll
>> free)
1-877-253-0615 Germany (local call anywhere in Germany)
>> 49-692-2224-6059 France (local call anywhere in France)
>> 33-17-070-8535 UK (toll free) 0800-033-7806
>>Participant conference extension: 701 then enter pin: 51968.
>>SIP clients can call
701@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, then enter pin 51968.
>>Please feel free to add any discussion topics to the agenda:
>>Talk to you tomorrow!
>>eclipse.org-architecture-council mailing list
>>IMPORTANT: Membership in this list is generated by processes internal
>>to the Eclipse Foundation. To be permanently removed from this list,
>>you must contact
emo@xxxxxxxxxxx to request removal.
>eclipse.org-architecture-council mailing list
>IMPORTANT: Membership in this list is generated by processes internal to
>the Eclipse Foundation. To be permanently removed from this list, you
>must contact
emo@xxxxxxxxxxx to request removal.
>eclipse.org-architecture-council mailing list
>IMPORTANT: Membership in this list is generated by processes internal to
>the Eclipse Foundation. To be permanently removed from this list, you
>must contact
emo@xxxxxxxxxxx to request removal.
eclipse.org-architecture-council mailing list
IMPORTANT: Membership in this list is generated by processes internal to the Eclipse Foundation. To be permanently removed from this list, you must contact
emo@xxxxxxxxxxx to request removal.