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[] RE:[Invitation] Eclipse EAC PhoneMeeting @ Monthly

Title: RE:[Invitation] Eclipse EAC PhoneMeeting @ Monthly


the invitation was not yet meant to be sent. I had just updated
the call-in number (which recently changed). Google Calendar
decided to send this out although I had instructed it not to.

It's not yet decided whether we'll meet on Thursday 11th
or Tuesday the 9th of September. No need to respond,

Editing the Agenda can already be done, though. I'll rename
it later if necessary.

Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

    From:   Eclipse Architecture Council [mailto:g30r6idsq3rsufe2j3t6k0l0g4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
    Sent:   Monday, August 25, 2008 2:50 PM
    Subject:        [] [Invitation] Eclipse EAC PhoneMeeting @ Monthly at 5pm on the second Thursday ()

    When:   Occurs the second Thursday of every 1 month effective 9/11/2008 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Europe/Vienna.
    Where:  See Eclipse Portal for Conference Bridge

    Google Calendar, you are invited to

    Eclipse EAC Phone Meeting

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