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[] November 7th Conference call agenda

Monthly Architecture Council Conference Call
Second Tuesday of each month, 8am PST, 11am EST
or   866.362.7064
passcode 874551#
  1. Changing the call time/date in Q1? A number of people cannot make the second Tuesday of each month calls, so shall we try a different day and/or time in Q1?
  2. Outline what we want to have in the Architecture Council section of the Roadmap. We need to collectively decide what we want to show for our time this year - what sort of documentation of the current architecture are we (which mostly means you all) willing to spend time writing for the end of the year? The answer might be (disappointingly) "very little", but now is the time to step up to the task or to state definitely that we won't be doing much.
    • Last month we decided "We discussed what we should be creating for the architecture diagram for the Roadmap. Is it a summary of the current state? Is it a discussion of the future and forward looking architecture? Is it useful to the existing projects or is it just seen as a waste of time providing no benefit to the teams? We concluded that we needed to have documentation of the existing architecture before we could do anything more forward looking so we resolved (ok, ok, Bjorn browbeat everyone into agreeing) to spend a half-hour writing up their current view of the Eclipse Platform architecture.  These emails might provoke discussion on our mailing list, plus Bjorn is going to merge these all into a discussion document for our next call."
  3. Using our decision for (2) we will review our inputs from the last meeting and decide what we can do next to produce the Roadmap. The inputs from the last meeting were very varied:
    • David Williams: documents and diagrams showing the dependencies between WTP subsystems
    • Richard Gronback: list of subsystems across Eclipse
    • John Graham: traditional boxes view of subsystems seen by DTP
    • Bjorn Freeman-Benson: list of subsystems across Eclipse
    • Kevin Haaland: list of sub-projects and plug-ins and key components in the Platform
    • Wenfeng Li: list of subsystems across Eclipse grouped by scenarios: tools, designer, deployment
    • Kai Nyman: agreed with Wenfeng about using use-case scenario-based architecture diagrams
    • Tim Wagner: no input
    • Michael Scharf: no input
  4. Finally, we will talk about agenda items for the Council meetings.
    • The Lattix folks have offered to come to the Council meetings and show us what they have been extracting of the Eclipse architecture using their tools.
    • ???

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