Hi all,
Our Eclipse/Red Hat Developers teams have identified a few tests (hopefully the first ones of a long series) based on RedDeer that we have for Red Hat Developers Studio and that actually are not much dependent on Red Hat Developers Studio and could be moved into Platform (more precisely into PDE for the first batch). In general, we'd like to see more and more of our tests providing the value in the most common place possible, and to try to "upstream" some of the testing efforts, production and value done for Red Hat Developers Studio into Eclipse Platform.
Another requirement would be that we can still run those tests also as part of a TestSuite targeting Red Hat Developers Studio. Fortunately, with all the good technologies and practices used by the Eclipse Platform, we're confident that this is going to be all fine (our test suite would reference some TestSuite from Platform tests and that'd be all).
However, a potential issue with this approach is that Eclipse Platform test bundles often "alter" the AUT (application under test) with test extensions of other stuff that change the AUT behavior. We don't want those extensions to apply when we run such Eclipse tests against Red Hat Developers Studio. So we'd rather work on new bundles, containing only test code without extensions, in case the current test bundles do have such test extensions.
The only requirement to get started would be to add RedDeer to the target-platform, and then we can have a few patches flowing in tests (either in regular test suites, or we could create dedicated bundles, but that's a discussion we could have later on Gerrit according to the point above).
Obviously, we cannot afford to spend much more effort before there is minimal consent in adding the dependency on RedDeer for tests. So a simple "ok, let's try this" from PMC and Releng is a blocking requirement at this point.