I agree that we should put UNC effort across pretty much all of
Eclipse. Perhaps we should raise the issue on the architecture and
crossproject lists and come up with some utilities that everyone can
reuse. We should definitely have this on the Equinox plan.
Mike Wilson wrote:
Running on UNC paths is one of those areas where things "rot" if
you don't keep testing them. I'm not sure how much UNC testing is done
now, but we should probably budget some testing/bug fixing time across
all teams.
Philippe P
Mulet ---23/09/2008 04:45:15---Seems like this would be a good idea to
budget for it, as part of our p2 consolidation for 3.5; at
Seems like this would be a good idea to budget for it, as part of our
p2 consolidation for 3.5; at least on the principle.
Is there a bug report for it ? (independantly from it being part of 3.5
or not)
During the 3.4 shutdown cycles, limitations around the support of UNC
path have been encountered in p2. Because it was late when the issue
was discovered and also because we weren't sure that the SDK would be
fully functional with the p2 issue fixed, we decided to not act on this
until later. Now that we are planning 3.5, I would like to know if
running eclipse on a UNC path drive should be added to the plan, as
such an effort may require non trivial work / verification across the
platform (and potentially across the whole release train).
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