So what happened to all the activity on this list? It went
from a regular 20 messages a day down to 1 yesterday and none today. Something
is fishy here. It sounds like everyone got a day off and I didn’t get the
memo. In the interest of filling the empty space and since this was mentioned
earlier on this list, I’d like to draw people’s attention to the
declaration of the Faceted Project Framework project [1]. The newsgroup [2] is
live and is starting to get some traffic. Folks on this mailing list might be
particularly interested in [3] where I answer the “why can’t we
just extend natures” question. In any case, if you have questions about
facets, are wondering if you have formed any misconceptions or already know
that you want to get involved, jump on the newsgroup and fire away.
Thanks for listening.
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Eclipse Tooling
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