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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] SWT port to Flex

+1 for looking at these.  My tendnecy would be to look at Harmony first...


Tom Schindl wrote:

The GWT-class lib IMHO has many leaks and is incompatible with
Java-Implementations (e.g. they don't have the field necessary to not
corrupt an Collection when using an interator, they miss so essential
interfaces like Runnable and we (Boris knows it) couldn't convince them
to add such an interface :-(.

Last year I created a port of EMF for GWT and I used the classes from
Harmony because they are 100% Java-compatible and don't miss methods and
classes like the GWT reimplementation does. By the way the creation for
Flex and GWT would help to port other projects to GWT like (EMF).


Steve Northover schrieb:
Hello all!

One of the big issues when porting SWT to a platform where Java isn't
running is that Java isn't running.  For the Flex port, a cross-compiler
was written that converts Java to ActionScript, but there's more than
just syntax translation involved when running Java without a JVM.  Java
programs need a Java Class Library (JCL) to code against.  For the Flex
prototype, a small CLDC-like"Java Class Library was written.  This was
done to get off the ground but in the long run, maintaining this JCL is
not attractive.

For the SWT Dojo port, GWT was used for both the cross-compiler and JCL.
 Moving forward, I can see two obvious candidates for a JCL for Flex:
GWT or Harmony.  I believe that the obvious approach (ie. use Sun's)
isn't on the table for licensing reasons.

I'm proposing that we (e4) investigate GWT and Harmony.  Does anyone
else have any other ideas?



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