Hi Kevin,
TK-UI CSS parser use Flute parser by default but you can use another SAC Parser if you want.
Today I have founded 3 SAC parser implementation : Batik, Flute easystate which implement CSS2 specification but not CSS3.
Into TK-UI I wanted manage namespace described into CSS3 specification, to write selector by setting package.
Imagine you have two classes Label
org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label and my.Label
If you want disting selector between two Label, you can use CSS3 namespace and write his CSS :
@namespace swt "org.eclipse.swt.widgets";
@namespace my "my";
swt|Label {
my|Label {
So I try to update SAC Parser Batik, Flute...and I found Flute was the easier to update, because Flute is based on JavaCC
where you have Parser.jj JavaCC file which desribe CSS2 grammar. I have updated this file to manage CSS3 namespace.
See customized Flute parser at
Flute jar into distribution is 1-3 (it's my flute parser). The real flute parser is 1-2 (2 means support CSS2).
Regards Angelo
I have used Flute Parser because I have improved it to manage CSS3 namespace.