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[eclipse-ide-wg] Fwd: [cross-project-issues-dev] IMHO serious issues in the Eclipse Java IDE 2021-06 M3

Dear Eclipse PMC,

I'm raising awareness of the issue below. I believe this is another side-effect of the Eclipse project going sideways and not properly contributing bundles to Orbit.

I understand that the chosen path saves time and work for Eclipse project committers. I am raising awareness that this time saving is causing costs and issues in the community at large (adopters and other projects). I'd appreciate if the Eclipse PMC can start a discussion and reconsider its policy of avoiding Orbit for the benefit of the whole Eclipse IDE ecosystem.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gunnar Wagenknecht <gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] IMHO serious issues in the Eclipse Java IDE 2021-06 M3
Date: June 2, 2021 at 09:30:55 GMT+2
To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

It looks like the Maven issue is caused by conflicting SLF4J API versions in the installation.

The problematic SLF4J API version is brought into the build by the Eclipse project.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

On Jun 2, 2021, at 09:23, Holger Voormann <eclipse@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,

IMHO the following two issues of the Eclipse Java IDE 2021-06 M3 are serious, since they probably affect many and since there are no known workarounds for them:

1. Empty Maven console

2. Creating of a Gradle project via the "New Gradle Project" dialog is broken:

In contrast, the following two issues, which I guess will also affect many, are not serious from my point of view, since workarounds are known:

[JEE] .js files opened by default in the Text Editor instead of in the Generic Text Editor
Workaround: right-click a .js file + "Open With > Other...", select "Generic Text Editor" and choose "Use it for all '.js' files"

WindowBuilder does not work with Java 16
Workaround: in "eclipse.ini" add the line "--illegal-access=permit"

It would be great when these issues could be fixed for the 2021-06 release.


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