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Re: [eclipse-dev] Split UI/non UI plugins and features?

Funny, I was just thinking about this. The best example I can think of is SWT versus JavaFX. The core plugin should not have a dependency on SWT so you can replace your SWT based UI plugin with a JavaFX based one and reuse as much code as possible. ‎I have a feeling that will be the only way we get a JavaFX based Eclipse.

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  Original Message
From: Christian Pontesegger
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:05 AM
To: eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Reply To: General development mailing list of the Eclipse project.
Subject: [eclipse-dev] Split UI/non UI plugins and features?


a typical pattern around projects is to split UI and non-UI components
into separate plugins and features. As I am starting out with a new
project I would like to understand this pattern a little bit better.
It is easy to understand to split views, menu declarations, dialogs, ...
from the model code. So separating this into a project.core and
project.ui makes sense. But does that mean that the core plugin shall
not have any dependency to other eclipse.ui plugins?
Eg. if I want to create an eclipse service I immediately get a
dependency to o.e.ui.

Futhermore: whats the use of providing a core feature and an UI feature?
The only usecase I could think of is a user creating its own headless
RCP without any UI components included. I am not even sure if you could
build an RCP without and UI components.

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