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[eclipse-dev] Eclipse 4.3.2 and Equinox (Kepler SR2 RC3) builds available

I'm pleased to announce our next-to-last SR2 build is available for download and testing.

Not many changes from previous RC ... but some important ones, so please continue acceptance testing, especially looking for bad regressions.

As a reminder, the EPP packages that will contain this version will be available in one week (2/14).

Also remember, for your planning, that once we create and promote our RC4 next week (on 2/14), that even though that is anticipated to be our final build, eventually to be our SR2 release, that we don't actually promote it as "final release" until after a "quiet week" buffer and formally release it at the same time as everyone else on the Kepler train does (on Friday, 2/28).

Thanks all,

        Eclipse downloads:

        Update existing (non-production) installs:

        Specific repository good for building against:

        Equinox specific downloads:

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