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[eclipse-dev] Planning Meeting Notes - Apr 7, 2010
Discusssion Topic
Rel. Eng.:
- Should all bundles be tagged for 3.6M7 to include new source references
in the manifests?
JDT Core:
- fixed one compiler issue for not detecting duplicate imports (302865)
- fixed one issue with the import rewriter
- fixed one issue in content assist
- preparing a fix for the code formatter around cascading method invocations
- this might "change" the actual formatting, but in a good way
- Frédéric is preparing a note for platform-releng-dev and jdt-core-dev
to explain what kind of changes to expect
- see bug 59891 for details
- still investigating some performance issues around search
- bug triage
- investigating performance issue with referenced classpath entries
computation (309220)
- inbox, newsgroups, Bugzilla
- investigated Bug 309750 - IdeFilerImpl violates contract by throwing
IllegalArgumentException (RESOLVED INVALID)
- fixed Bug 308555 - register .factorypath extension so version control
providers can determine file type.
- fixed Bug 290780 - org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt does not export all
its packages
Rel. Eng.:
- test new bundles in build
- source references are now included in bundles:
- https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=243582
- testing runing p2 discovery tests in the build:
- https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=303456
- updated ICU to v4.2.1.v20100412
- bug fixing
- 3.6M7 build schedule is available, including a warm up build on
Friday at 8am:
- http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/platform-releng/buildSchedule.html
- bug fixing/triage
- working on support for adding individual bundles to feature based launch
- SCMURLs (reference to repository source) are now included in binary
bundles in the build:
- you can now import projects from CVS via the plug-in import wizard
- improved error reporting in PDE headless build (bug 290172)
- fixes for automated test failures
- bug fixing/triage
- reviewed and committed patch that adds a Java code style preference transfer
- bug fixing
- inbox tracking
Platform Text and JDT Text:
- fixed NLS tooling problems related to constants with CJK Ext-B characters
- bug fixing
- inbox tracking
- accessibility work: tables and trees
- Ubuntu 10.04 testing and continuing use
- resurrecting regular S390/S390X builds soon
- various bug fixes, including:
- 302396 - UI thread going crazy with owner-drawn tree in parent shell
User Assistance:
- all major feature work complete,. We are now in polish and bug fix mode
- request to add button to increase size of text in the related topics
+ table of contents of help view will be deferred.
- ua.tests.doc now has a link check tool which looks for broken links in doc
- It is not stable enough to be a JUnit test but I just ran it against
the 5 books for the SDK
- 3.6 perf tests:
- automatic generation failed again :-(
- no baseline run last Friday
- builds verification (all scenarios):
- N20100415-2000: nothing new
- I20100420-0800: nothing new
- perf issues fixed
- working on the 3.6 polish items
- fixing M7 issues
- Bug 305993 - [Sync View][Apply Patch] Add preference that allows
Team > Apply Patch to show result in Synchronize view [fixed]
- Bug 267171 - Compare editor on local file: 'Open' action should set
selection [fixed]
- Bug 309793 - Team UI should not require navigator.resources [fixed]
- polishing re-worked UI for Resource Filters (Serge)