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[eclipse-dev] Bundle being removed from Eclipse SDK: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.exemplarysetup

If you are writing applications or products that make extensive use of p2, please read on for a change that may affect you.

We are planning to remove the bundle "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.exemplarysetup" from the Eclipse platform before the Helios M6 build. This bundle never contained any API, either real or provisional, and just contained some classes used to initialize p2 that are no longer needed. Most people should never notice this change and won't be affected. However there are some client applications that may be affected:

1) If you have a custom product or feature that incorporates p2 bundles directly rather than through the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui feature provided by the platform, you will need to remove this extra bundle from your .product file, feature.xml, etc.

2) Some advanced client applications were manually starting this bundle in order to ensure p2 was started. For example you may have code like this:


This will no longer work because that bundle no longer exists. The fix in this case is to remove that code altogether. p2 does not require any manual startup in the Helios release.

All these details will also be available in the platform 3.6 migration guide. For further details or to comment on this, see:


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