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[eclipse-dev] Problems with Eclipse on FreeBSD 4.7

Hello all, 

I hope someone can help me solve my problem. I've installed Eclipse using
the FreeBSD M4 port which I got from

The installation is without any problems. When I start eclipse it seems to
work fine. My problems begin when I start to create a new java project. When
I click the finish button to actually create the new project, eclipse stops
responding. The only solution is to kill eclipse. Eclipse does create the
directory and the .project and .metadata files. 

I'm running under Sun's JDK 1.3.1 (the native FreeBSD on
I've also tried the Linux JDK 1.3.1 (/usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jdk13), but
have the same problem. 

I've tried using KDE 3.0.3, Gnome 2.0 and 2.2. I'm now running FluxBox, but
that didn't help either. So my guess it is probably not the windowmanager. 

I'm kind of lost on what to do next. Could someone give me some advice on
how to solve this?


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