FWIW, I don't use any service to trigger alerts.
I monitor a lot of project mailing lists. It was the perfect storm
of having ECF's contribution of a service release to Kepler on the
fore-front of my mind combined with the word "API breakage" that
caught my attention.
Unfortunately, while I am a big fan of ECF, I don't actually consume
it and so don't pay particularly close attention to every nuance of
every conversation. So, I was unable to weigh in when the issue was
first broached. Likewise, you cannot assume that the PMC will be
fully aware of every conversation that occurs your project mailing
Bundle versioning is independent of the release process. I don't
think that this is relevant here.
What is relevant is that I'm not sure that the definition of
"service release" is met if there is a breaking change and would
like the PMC involved in the discussion.
On 05/24/2013 06:37 AM, Markus
Alexander Kuppe wrote:
On 05/24/2013 03:15 AM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Are you asking how you can avoid alerting my attention to the fact that
you may be trying to circumvent the process by issuing a bogus service
If I would have known how to trigger your alerts, I would have done so
with my mail to ecf-dev last week [1] where I brought this issue to the
general attention. Additionally we talked about this during the ECF con
call [2].
Btw. I recall a discussion from a few years back that said that bundle
versioning is independent from the release process (one can increment
the bundle major version even in a service release).
[1] http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/ecf-dev/msg06298.html
[2] http://wiki.eclipse.org/ECF_Conference_Call_5.14.2013
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