Hi Salinda,
On 4/21/2013 6:02 AM, Salinda Jayawardana wrote:
Hi Markus
I am really interested in OSGI remote service stuff in ECF
also I have good understanding OSGI ,Java and eclipse plugin
As you mention, I went through the ECF issues in Bugzilla
and selected[1] since i have good idea about java annotation
processing stuff, So will try my best to provide a patch for
this enhancement
would like to know any feedback or idea regarding this ?
I think this is a good idea. Actually...IMHO there is a lot of room
for work in a general category of what I would call: 'tooling for
remote services'. What do I mean by 'tooling for remote
services'...here's some brainstorming about possible tooling for
remote services:
1) Define and Implement annotations for
a) Creating remote services (e.g. @RemoteService)
b) Creating Async remote services (e.g. @AsyncService) [A].
This is work that I had started with bug 309732
c) Doing remote services testing (this was started/done for a
previous GSOC project [B], and could be moved
2) Tooling (e.g. Eclipse Views) for Debugging Remote Services
a) Example: View(s) that shows remote services (host and
consumer) from registry...along with ECF meta-data/properties
b) Example: Enhancing the discovery UI to specifically
support/display OSGi remote service discovery debugging
3) PDE templates of OSGi remote services
a) As part of 3.6.0 I added a PDE template for creating a remote
service (host and consumer) via the PDE project wizard. This
template is in this project: http://git.eclipse.org/c/ecf/org.eclipse.ecf.git/tree/tooling/plugins/org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservices.tooling.pde
b) There is a lot more that could be done here...i.e. more
examples/templates...e.g. with specific discovery/distribution
providers, etc.
I think any of these areas would be great for a GSOC project on ECF
remote services. I don't think you would want to work on more than
one of these areas however...as any one of them can/could be quite a
lot of work.
As project lead, my goal here is that whatever is started here as
part of a GSOC project eventually be incorporated and distributed as
part of ECF...so I prefer that any work that is started be followed
through on seriously...hopefully continuing after GSOC is over.
BTW, that is ECF's model for mentoring GSOC projects...after GSOC
completes, that the work be continued forward...hopefully by the
original student becoming an ECF committer and completing the work
all the way to deployment (e.g. including full integration, testing,
releng, etc). We've had great success with that approach, and
several existing ECF committers started by doing GSOC projects.
Hopefully these comments are useful Salinda...and hopefully you (and
perhaps others) will decide to propose something of interest to you
for a GSOC project. I look forward to working with you.
[A] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Asynchronous_Proxies_for_Remote_Services
[B] http://wiki.eclipse.org/ECF/RS_Test_Framework
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