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Re: [ecf-dev] Conference Call Mon Apr 9

Hi everyone,

I have made some changes to the wiki citing some outstanding bugs that
needs to be addressed (in my opinion) and also uploaded some
screenshots on some of the new stuff that's been going on in
org.eclipse.ecf.presence.ui's code. I have four exams scattered around
here and there over the next two weeks but am hoping to address the
items I have down in the 'Target Features for 1.0.0M7' section in
between or after the exams. Since M7 is being targetted for early May,
I should be okay (famous last words).

If anyone has any specific requests, please tack stuff onto the
'Target Features for 1.0.0' section (and not the M7 section for my
sake...well, unless you want to work on the feature yourself, please
do! ;)). I am planning to address anything in that section on Monday's
call about some of the difficulties I've envisioned in hopes of
soliciting some feedback from everyone else about the best course of
action for implementing said feature.

Conference call agenda wiki link:


On 4/7/07, Scott Lewis <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Folks,

1) ECF conference call Mon Apr 9 at noon pacific.  See here for details
and to add to agenda:

Please attend if you can.  Lots happening.

2) We recently introduced some UI code that is dependent upon the 3.3M6
version of the APIs.  So to build/work on ECF from here on in you will
need to use 3.3M6 (at least as the target platform).

3) For everyone's info, I've been working on a Skype provider
implementation of the call API, and it now has signs of life.  See
attached project set files to get the source and build.  Currently only
the win32 version of Skype is supported, but Marcello and I are working
on fragments for OSX and Linux.  If someone out there has a Linux
version  of Skype and wouldn't mind doing some work on this and testing
please let me know.

Thanks...and have a good weekend.


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