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Re: [e4-dev] Improved handling of ID's - Suggestion for discussion

Hi Lars,

I'm not 100% I really understand what you are suggesting here? Is that
the tooling generates constants in an extra class?

I'm also not sure what the URL modelid:// is good for? Did you e.g. know
that you can simply use XPath on EMF-Models (we don't ship the bundle
but it's part of the e4-git-repo).

I think you need to elaborate a bit more, so that I can understand what
you propose and how it could be implemented.


Am 30.01.12 23:12, schrieb Lars Vogel:
> Hi,
> one thing I like about Android programming, is that you can refer to
> static strings for ID's in a XML file (layout file) as well as in Java
> code. In the layout file you use @id/button1to point to a ID defined in
> a file.
> In your Android coding you could reference the ID via a static string.
> This removes the issue that you may have typos either in your coding or
> in your layout and allows consistent refactoring of ID's.
> One of the issues I believe still exists in todays Eclipse 4 plug-in
> development, is that you have to define a ID twice, once in your
> application model and at least once in your coding.
> I really liked the change to bundleclass:// in M5. 
> Perhaps we could introduce another URI for ID which could be referred to
> an ID defined in a file, e.g. 
> modelid://Bundle-SymbolicName/path/filename.extension/id
> And add another annotation, like @ID, which allows to annotate static
> strings and to mark them a ID's which could be used in the model as well
> in the coding.
> @ID
> public static final String part1 = "com.example.test.part1".
> Would that be helpful? Is it worth to open a enhancement request for this?
> Best regards, Lars
> -- 
> Lars
> - Eclipse, Android and Java Tutorials
> - Lars on Twitter
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