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[dsdp-tm-dev] TM 3.0M5 Test Candidate

Hello Committers,
a TM 3.0M5 Test Candidate is available on
or the update site,
I fixed all the Copyright Years to 2008 yesterday, so if you still had
some stuff checked out in your workspace please do
    Team > Update
and it should merge to the latest, before you submit a new patch
or commit.
Please give the test candidate good testing exposure. As I have
mentioned before, this is our EclipseCon release so it should be
really good. I'm not doing a Wiki Testing page this time, let's just
coordinate via E-Mail instead. Here is what I'd like you to do:
  • Everyone - install the test candidate into your normal Eclipse working environment and use it yourself for daily use (I'm doing that already, it looks fine but I also found one bug!)
  • Kevin - test EFS operations
  • Xuan - test Archive operations
  • Rupen - test copy, move, drag & drop
  • DaveD - test filters, profiles
  • DaveM - test tableview, refresh
  • Martin - test terminal, ssh
For checkins you'd still like to make, better do these earlier than later.
I'm kind of prepared to receive Rupen's Multi-File-Copy contribution,
and the other fixes assigned to M5.
But please don't forget to test as well!
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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