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Re: [dsdp-pmc] PMC approval for TM local terminal contribution

+1 From Shigeki Moride
Thu, 4 Feb 2010 11:09:11 +0100
"Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC,
I just entered a CQ for the Target Management Project:
This is a fanctastic plain contribution which has been sitting on bugzilla
for just too long - we need it, so please vote +1 for accepting this into
Eclipse now (more details below).
PS The details:
This is a plain EPL contribution, which will enable the Target Management
Terminal to be used for local shells. In other words, you'll be able to run your
cygwin bash, Linux tcsh or whatever inside Eclipse in an ANSI terminal that
supports Emacs, vi etc.
Or, you create an "External Tool" launch config for your favorite commandline
tool -- in the past, the Eclipse Console could only be used for such programs,
so if the program required terminal control for a menu or so, you were out of
luck. Now, such external programs can run in a terminal.
As far as I know, the CDT is also considering this groundwork program for use
in I/O for debuggees.
Shigeki Moride

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