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Re: [dsdp-pmc] yet another blinki-webkit4swt follow up

Hi Doug,
I have followed your blog for quite a while. The webkit implementation is based on Google's Chromium framework with a layer on top of it known as the Chromium Embedded Framework. Over the top of this we have built a JNI layer to weave it into the SWT component model. So yes, a variation of chromium serves as the core but designed to work in an embedded and thread compatible manner. There are other license such as MIT, Apache, Apache-like, ... To my knowledge it is the LGPL portions that are the stickler.
Here is a doc on the framework:
An extra note is that we will include an integrated webkit browser for inclusion into the IDE along side, the current IE and Mozilla browser.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [dsdp-pmc] yet another blinki-webkit4swt follow up

If you follow my blogs, I've been a big fan of WebKit for a while and that's why this contribution has piqued my interest.

As a follow up, looking at the zip file you pointed at for the CQ, there are many pieces there with many different licenses, not just EPL/LGPL. In fact, it looks like the source code to Google Chrome. Are these pieces part of the solution as well?


On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Wayne Parrott <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I received a private note asking me, so what does this "externally hosted webkit4swt thingie mean and what's blinki"?
WebKit4SWT hosting plan:
1. a public read-only GIT repository
2. blinki project committers will have write/merge privileges
3. code will be current EPL/LGPL split
4. other upcoming blinki code contributions will be hosted at eclipse as EPL
    -- blinki will use a P2 dependency/assembly model to include the webkit4swt framework (we will be looking for guidance from our mentors and PMC to get this approach right)
Blinki status:
1. webkit4swt is a fundamental building block for a first effort towards the blinki mobile web devkit support
    -- internal circumstances have delayed release up to this time and now we are moving forward
2. the blinki project outlines tool frameworks for emulation/preview and debugging
    -- with webkit being the darling of mobile web browsers atm we plan to kick off tool framework development on top of webkit4swt
3. blinki also has a big interest in mobile web UI and application frameworks
    -- there has been a lot of work in this area outside the Eclipse space and we look to integrate and enhance that work to fit into the Eclipse community's needs
4. the upcoming Pulsar mobile web roadmap being developed will very likely overlap with some of the blinki objectives. We will work with that group and the other DSDP projects to create mutual success.

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