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RE: [dsdp-pmc] ESC West 07

Here are the abstracts submitted for ESC West 07.  Each 90-minute class requires a technical paper, so we will be working on those over the next several months for the talks that are accepted.


Speaker: Martin Oberhuber

Title: Using and Extending the Eclipse Target Management Tools
Formats: 90-Minute Class
Key Takeaways: A good understanding of what the Eclipse Target Management Project currently provides, how this can be used and extended, and what's coming next.
Audience level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of the Eclipse Platform required.
Presentation Abstract: The Eclipse Target Management project provides an Open Source framework for configuring and managing remote or embedded systems. Based on Eclipse, this framework helps standardizing access to local or fielded targets, board labs, and remote build hosts. We will give an overview of the project's scope and goals, show an online demonstration of what is provided out of the box, and explain the main APIs and extension points. Finally, we will discuss future directions and opportunities for getting involved with the community.

Speaker: Pawel Piech

Title: Embedded Debugging in Eclipse
Formats: 90-Minute Class
Key Takeaways: A good understanding of current and next-generation embedded target debugging capabilities in Eclipse as well as the Eclipse projects building the technology.
Audience level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of the Eclipse Platform required.
Presentation Abstract: In addition to being an excellent Java development environment, Eclipse is used by many companies in the embedded industry as a basis for their commercial C and C++ development products. To build these commercial products, vendors rely on a significant amount of open source technology from Eclipse projects, including Platform, CDT, and DSDP. In this talk, we focus on embedded and multi-core target debugging in Eclipse, covering the existing capabilities available today as well as emerging technologies, which can be used "as is" or extended to meet the needs of specific vertical markets.


Speaker: Doug Gaff

Title: Mobile Software Development in Eclipse
Formats: 90-Minute Class
Key Takeaways: A good understanding of the four projects in Eclipse focused on building tools and extensible frameworks for developing and deploying mobile applications.
Audience level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of the Eclipse Platform required.
Presentation Abstract: Eclipse usage is rapidly growing in the mobile and handheld space, with four projects focused on mobile application development and deployment. The Native Application Builder (NAB) project provides tooling and run-time libraries for developing embedded C/C++ GUI’s. The Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project provides tooling for building and debugging applications for Java Mobile Edition profiles and configurations. The Embedded Rich Client Platform (eRCP) provides a device-sized OSGi runtime, an xml parser, and rich widget graphics libraries for building mobile Java applications. The Tools for Mobile Linux (TmL) project provides tooling for the entire mobile Linux development lifecycle. In this talk, we present a technical and instructional overview of each of these projects.



From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gaff, Doug
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:44 PM
To: DSDP PMC list
Subject: RE: [dsdp-pmc] ESC West 07


Thanks for the wording.  I modified my abstract and submitted today.


From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark Rogalski
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:14 PM
To: DSDP PMC list
Cc: DSDP PMC list; dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [dsdp-pmc] ESC West 07


I would suggest:
The Embedded Rich Client Platform (eRCP) provides a device-sized OSGi runtime, xml parser, and rich widget graphics libraries for building mobile Java applications that run across a broad range of devices.

"Gaff, Doug" <doug.gaff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/28/2006 03:07 PM

Please respond to
DSDP PMC list <dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>


"DSDP PMC list" <dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>



RE: [dsdp-pmc] ESC West 07


Hello again,
Here is my abstract for #3.  Please comment ASAP.  I’m limited to 800 characters in the abstract.
Mobile Projects in Eclipse
Key Takeaways
A good understanding of the four projects in Eclipse focused on building tools and extensible frameworks for developing and deploying mobile applications.
Basic understanding of the Eclipse Platform required.
Presentation Abstract
Eclipse usage is rapidly growing in the mobile and handheld space, both for application development and for deployment.  There are currently four Eclipse projects focused on mobile Java and C++ development.  The Native Application Builder (NAB) project provides tooling and run-time libraries for developing embedded C/C++ GUI’s.  The Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project provides tooling for building and debugging applications for Java Mobile Edition profiles and configurations.  The Embedded Rich Client Platform (eRCP) provides a rich set of graphics libraries for building mobile Java GUI’s.  The Tools for Mobile Linux (TmL) project provides tooling for the entire mobile Linux development lifecycle.  In this talk, we present a technical and instructional overview of all four projects.
From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gaff, Doug
Friday, August 25, 2006 4:01 PM
[dsdp-pmc] ESC West 07

Hi folks,
Here’s what I’d like to submit for next year’s embedded systems conference technical program:
1.       Target Management
2.       Embedded Debugging
3.       Mobile Projects in DSDP
Martin is working on the abstract for #1.  I am working on the other two.  Can I get confirmation from Mark, Shigeki, Christian, and Mika that you are NOT planning to speak at the ESC technical program?
If not, would any of you care to be a co-presenter on #3 with me, perhaps doing a demo of your technology?
Please respond ASAP.  I plan to finish the abstracts by mid next-week.
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