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RE: [dsdp-dd-dev] Improving the platform debug views

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 Martin Imrisek wrote:
> We'll  create a bugzilla entry against DSDP for this topic and then once there
> is some consensus on how the views need to be enhanced for device debugging
> we can decide to file respective bug entries against the platform and CDT.
Did you create the bugzilla entry? I'm not seeing it against DSDP.
The flexible hierarchy brings us closer to reaching our goal of utilizing the platform views instead of bundling our own. However, some critical functionality is currently missing from the platform views. The higher priority items on my list include:
    - VariablesView/VariablesViewer should take advantage of the (newly added) SWT.VIRTUAL support in the Tree control.
    - Configurable multiple column support. Ability to set column visibility and populate columns from arbitrary properties (pass column as key to Label provider). Name, Value, Description, ...
    - Editor Providers. Ability to associate edit controls on a per cell (label/column) basis for in place cell editing.
Darin, does DSDP still have sufficient time to contribute view enhancements for the 3.2 release? Are the above items already in progress?

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