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Re: [dash-dev] IP Log Tool

deficiencies). Fundamentally, the only difference is that you can edit the log from within Eclipse and you have to explicitly store it somewhere.

So, again, why not store it back in the source database? Isn't fixing the source better than copying it into a new place and maintaining that copy. (Then repeating the process a year later.)

* Current approach has no support for snapshots in time

How about using mysqldump monthly to extract a freeze-frame of the database? Or crontab + wget to snap "pics" of the html at intervals?

Perhaps this is naive, but I assumed that Eclipse developers would be supportive of Eclipse-based tools. Having said that, in order to use the tool, a committer will have to actually install it onto their workstation. I can understand how this might not be palatable. I'll try to solicit more feedback.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for an in-Eclipse way to maintain IP while actually working on the code. Feels a little like a Mylyn approach to metadata - why go to a browser for bugz and JIRAs when you can work on them right in the IDE?

So, I agree - a plugin is a definite improvement. Provided that it's not just another text editor for a .csv snapshot (or .xml) from the database. IMHO, we'd be much better served if we could edit the foundation's records directly - again, like Mylyn does w/ Bugzilla & JIRA.

I'm looking at Bug 275529. As I recall, when you first posted the link to the Google Doc, I couldn't access it. Then a squirrel ran past the window and I was onto the next thing. Lame excuse. I am posting my resolution to the bug now.

Cursed squirrels! :) Thanks.

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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