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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] SimRel 2018-09 respin staging repo is complete
My bad. I missed the fact that the OCL change needs to be included in
the respin. That's why I only included the changes for Corrosion and
Xtext. m(
So let's respin the respin.
On 17.09.2018 19:25, Ed Merks wrote:
> Fred,
> I see the following version of OCL Pivot in the staging repo; I would
> have expected it would be a newer version given Ed Willink's update to
> SimRel as mentioned in the threads on the respin topic:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <p2:Requirement
> xmi:version="2.0"
> xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI"
> xmlns:p2="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/p2/1.0"
> name="org.eclipse.ocl.pivot"
> versionRange="[1.5.0.v20180910-0900,1.5.0.v20180910-0900]"/>
> Did you exclude OCL somehow?
> Regards,
> Ed
> On 17.09.2018 19:07, Frederic Gurr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I declare the staging repo for SimRel 2018-09 respin to be complete.
>> The respin only includes the changes for Corrosion and Xtext.
>> As usual, it can be found here:
>> http://download.eclipse.org/staging/2018-09/
>> Please note, that we are still in the quiet period for 2018-09. If no
>> further blocking issues are found, RC2 respin will become the official
>> 2018-09 release on Wednesday, September 19th.
>> Regards,
>> Fred
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Frederic Gurr
Release Engineer | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
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Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821
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