This question is motivated by a recent article[1] I happened
across. In short, it pointed to evidence that many software
applications are re-distributing open source components with known
security issues.
"*Yes*, we are distributing software with known security issues",
is the answer to the subject question.
To walk through one example, the article named
org.apache.commons.fileupload version 1.2.1 as being often
redistributed, even though known security issue (CVE-2014-0050).
Versions 1.0 to 3.0 had the flaw, and 1.3.1 is required to avoid
it. Version 1.3.2 is the most recent Apache version.
That 'fileupload' package sounded familiar so I began to look
around and I found that in the Platform's repository they are
re-distributing version 1.2.2 of that package but (luckily?) in
the Sim Release repo we have version 1.3.1. In the platform, it is
Equinox's Http servlet bundle that has an optional prereq on
"fileupload" and in Sim Release, it is RAP, apparently, that is
"pulling in" version 1.3.1.
= = = = = =
I call out this flaw in our release practices, here on cross-project
list, for several reasons:
1) I wanted to open a bug on the Platform and Equinox to update that
prereq (bug 509388),
but I see that "fileupload" Version 1.3.1 is not available from
Orbit. *Why not?* That alone appears to be a Simultaneous Releases
"no no".
2) More importantly, I mention this on cross-project list to
encourage all projects to take a look at their third party
dependencies and I ask you to get "up to date". If you find it is
hard to update, at least confirm that the version you use does not
have any security advisories associated with it. This should likely
become part of our standard review process. (I have opened bug 509389
where that idea can be discussed.)
To emphasize, the "org.apache.commons.fileupload" is but one
example, easily spotted because it sounded familiar to me. There
could be many others -- I do not know -- perhaps it is the only one?
Thanks for reading (and taking action! :)