On 01/08/2016 10:44 PM, Mickael Istria
On 01/08/2016 07:13 PM, Eike Stepper
08.01.2016 um 17:29 schrieb Marc Khouzam:
I also would not like to have to change
Changing the URL only allows me to change one line quickly.
Changing each version of each feature group is more work and
more error prone.
Exactly. I also don't want to look *into* my repos for each
contribution and copy multiple versions around.
Just to be sure I correctly understand your (and Marc's and Ed's)
point: you're OK to have fully-qualified versions in the file, but
you don't want to maintain it manually, right?
So if the b3 model editor were providing that, would it suit you?
Would you specify fully-qualified versions to the aggregator? If
it's the only thing blocking you and others in using
fully-qualified versions, I may be able to raise the priority of
this improvement in my todo-list.
What do you think about https://vid.me/K3GV ? Would you set
fully-qualified versions with those 2 features?