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[cross-project-issues-dev] Biweekly Error Reports Summary

Greetings cross-projects,

please find the list of unreviewed / open issues of the past 14 days below. It's noteworthy that NullPointerExceptions are still the most prominent exception type of the last 7 days; this email contains ~50 of them. If some committers (not necessarily committers on these projects) could have a closer look, please create a bug report in Bugzilla and start triaging them. Or maybe projects can forward parts of this report to their project mailing lists and ask their committers for help?


Begin forwarded message:

From: Error Report Bot <no-reply@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Weekly Error Reports Summary
Date: 3 May 2015 22:10:23 CEST


this is an error reporting status digest generated from the most frequently reported issues of the last 14 days. The status of all items on this short list is unknown, i.e., they haven't been fixed yet nor has a committer marked them as log message.

To remove a item from this list, you can either (i) close it by marking it as log message in the reporter web ui or (ii) if the report is linked to a bug report, close the bug report (as fixed, wont fix etc.).

  Problem Number of Reporters Bug


1. NullPointerException in AcceleoTypeResolver.createShadowClass (241) 1 466024


1. SocketException in RemoteAntBuildListener$ (89) 24 -
2. Problems encountered during text search. 5 -
3. CoreException in WorkspaceResolver.resolveValue (66) 5 -
4. IOException in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (157) 4 -
5. BuildException in EclipseSingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets (34) 3 -
6. StandInException in AntCorePreferences.configureAntObject (746) 1 -
7. StandInException in AntCorePreferences.computeDefaultExtraClasspathEntries (785) 1 -
8. StandInException in none 1 -
9. BuildException in InternalAntRunner.parseBuildFile (387) 1 -
10. NullPointerException in JavaRuntime.resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry (908) 1 -



1. IllegalStateException in DefaultWorkspaceOperations.createProject (103) 1 -
2. NotEnabledException in Command.executeWithChecks (490) 1 -
3. NotEnabledException in Command.executeWithChecks (490) 1 -
4. IllegalStateException in DefaultWorkspaceOperations.createProject (103) 1 466234

C/C++ Development Tools:

1. Exception in ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.error (226) 17 -
2. NullPointerException in CrossGCCBuiltinSpecsDetector.getCompilerCommand (33) 14 -
3. NullPointerException in PaintManager$PositionManager.managePosition (150) 12 -
4. StandInException in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph (226) 12 -
5. BadPositionCategoryException in AbstractDocument.addPosition (362) 11 -
6. CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 11 -
7. NoClassDefFoundError in ResourceChangeHandler.createResourceMoveHandler (281) 9 -
8. NoClassDefFoundError in DeltaProcessor.processResourceDelta (428) 8 -
9. IllegalArgumentException in ClassTypeHelper.invalidMember (1021) 8 -
10. NoClassDefFoundError in ResourceChangeHandlerBase.doHandleResourceMove (190) 8 -

Code Recommenders:

1. LogTraceException in CallCompletionSessionProcessor.process (208) 79 464849
2. LogTraceException in JavaElementSelections.resolveJavaElementFromTypeRootInEditor (161) 44 -
3. StandInException in ProposalUtils.toMethodName (93) 18 461362
4. LogTraceException in CallCompletionSessionProcessor.process (202) 3 466004
5. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (334) 2 -
6. IllegalArgumentException in Fields.checkFields (96) 1 -
7. JavaModelException in JavaModelOperation.runOperation (785) 1 -
8. JavaModelException in JavaModelOperation.runOperation (785) 1 -
9. LinkageError in HttpTransporter.configureClient (168) 1 466003
10. NullPointerException in CompletionEngine.findLocalMethods (8737) 1 465156


1. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (342) 19 -
2. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (341) 16 -
3. IllegalArgumentException in (216) 5 -
4. NullPointerException in TableDataTableCursor.registerCellEditorsListener (110) 2 -
5. IllegalArgumentException in (216) 2 -
6. AssertionFailedException in ExternalSQLFileEditorInput. (136) 1 -

Dynamic Languages Toolkit:

1. ModelException in ModelException.propagate (119) 10 -
2. StandInException in ChangeExceptionHandler.handle (98) 8 -
3. CoreException in ClassFileEditor.doSetInput (675) 8 -
4. ModelException in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) 7 -
5. ModelException in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) 5 -
6. ModelException in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) 5 -
7. ModelException in ModelElement.newModelException (394) 3 -
8. ModelException in BatchOperation.executeOperation (47) 3 -
9. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TextSequenceUtilities$AbstractTextSequence.charAt (98) 2 -
10. ModelException in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) 2 -


Eclipse Communication Framework:

Eclipse Debug Infrastructure:

1. RuntimeException in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) 135 -
2. TimeoutException in PacketReceiveManager.getReply (186) 65 -
3. CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1406) 60 -
4. RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) 49 -
5. RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) 46 -
6. CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1408) 44 -
7. CoreException in TypeExtensionManager.getProperty (123) 39 -
8. StandInException in ModeledPageLayout.insertStack (503) 36 -
9. RuntimeException in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) 27 -
10. StandInException in AbstractDetailPane.display (285) 19 451210

Eclipse Equinox OSGi:

1. StandInException in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) 278 -
2. StandInException in CompatibilityPart.handlePartInitException (291) 253 -
3. RuntimeException in TaglibIndex.initializeInstance (681) 173 -
4. RuntimeException in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) 135 -
5. SWTException in Control.setFocus (3320) 134 -
6. CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 125 -
7. CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 108 463323
8. InvalidClassException in ProjectRegistryReader.readWorkspaceState (100) 76 -
9. RuntimeException in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) 73 -
10. Could not set the project description for 'ch.arenae.phoenix.generator' becau... 72 -

Eclipse Help:

1. RuntimeException in IndexingOperation.addDocuments (267) 100 -
2. RuntimeException in PluginIndex.resolve (126) 99 -
3. FileNotFoundException in TocFileParser.parse (49) 25 -
4. HIDDEN in (56) 14 -
5. NullPointerException in ContextManager.getContext (58) 1 -

Eclipse Platform:

1. StandInException in PluginActionBuilder.ideLog (549) 124 -
2. IllegalArgumentException in Image.init (1294) 116 -
3. StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 105 -
4. StandInException in JobListeners$3.notify (42) 77 -
5. StandInException in LightweightDecoratorManager$LightweightRunnable.handleException (71) 50 -
6. NullPointerException in DetachedDropAgent.drop (60) 45 447325
7. Problems occurred while refreshing local changes 45 -
8. StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 42 -
9. StandInException in PluginActionBuilder.ideLog (549) 37 -
10. StandInException in (96) 36 -

Eclipse Team Provider:

1. StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 77 -
2. TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 71 -
3. TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 70 -
4. IllegalArgumentException in ListenerList.remove (155) 41 -
5. StandInException in ProgressMonitorUtility.doTask (104) 38 -
6. RuntimeException in ProgressMonitorUtility.doTask (104) 29 -
7. RuntimeException in SVNLightweightDecorator.decorate (200) 27 -
8. NullPointerException in AffectedPathsLabelProvider.getImage (74) 13 -
9. StandInException in AbstractSVNStorage.saveAuthInfo (601) 11 -
10. TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 9 -


EGit / JGit:

1. TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 71 -
2. IOException in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (161) 26 -
3. FileNotFoundException in (497) 19 -
4. BackingStoreException in ProjectPreferences.load (516) 16 -
5. BackingStoreException in ProjectPreferences.load (516) 16 -
6. RuntimeException in CompatibilityPart.handlePartInitException (282) 10 -
7. FileNotFoundException in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) 9 -
8. FileNotFoundException in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) 9 -
9. FileNotFoundException in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) 9 -
10. NoRemoteRepositoryException in TransportHttp.connect (488) 8 -

EMF Client Platform:


1. ClassNotFoundException in BundleLoader.findClassInternal (439) 1 -


EPP Logging:

1. SWTError in MenuItem.setEnabled (744) 1 -

EPP Marketplace Client:

1. IncomingFileTransferException in HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.openStreams (662) 21 465465
2. IOException in AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer.handleReceivedData (290) 20 -
3. IncomingFileTransferException in HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.openStreams (662) 14 462155
4. IOException in MarketplaceUnmarshaller.unmarshal (54) 13 -
5. StandInException in MarketplaceWizard.updateProfileChangeOperation (721) 10 461551
6. StandInException in MarketplaceWizard$ (896) 10 463336
7. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (108) 7 463406
8. StandInException in MarketplaceWizard$ (804) 6 461553
9. NullPointerException in NewsViewer$ProgressRunnable$ (268) 3 463858
10. FileNotFoundException in RepositoryStatusHelper.checkFileNotFound (297) 3 463739


1. NullPointerException in AbstractModuleEditor.getText (373) 1 -

Graphical Editing Framework:

1. ClassCastException in XYLayoutEditPolicy.getCurrentConstraintFor (102) 15 -
2. SWTException in GC.getAdvanced (2270) 9 -
3. IllegalArgumentException in AbstractEditPart.setSelected (1060) 5 -
4. ServiceNotFoundException in ServiceUtilsForResourceSet.getServiceRegistry (44) 4 -
5. NullPointerException in OperationLabelEditPolicy.isParameterType (134) 3 -
6. IllegalArgumentException in GC.drawImage (870) 3 309912
7. ClassCastException in Domain2Notation.putView (68) 3 463751
8. StandInException in LocalSelectionTransfer.nativeToJava (129) 2 -
9. NullPointerException in CMUtil.getStandaloneTLDURI (129) 2 -
10. ClassCastException in FigureProvider.getText (26) 1 -

Graphical Modeling Framework:

1. ClassCastException in XYLayoutEditPolicy.getCurrentConstraintFor (102) 15 -
2. StandInException in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor (1432) 10 -
3. SWTException in GC.getAdvanced (2270) 9 -
4. StandInException in ClientContextManager.configureBindings (520) 8 -
5. IllegalArgumentException in AbstractEditPart.setSelected (1060) 5 -
6. ServiceNotFoundException in ServiceUtilsForResourceSet.getServiceRegistry (44) 4 -
7. StandInException in TabbedPropertyRegistry.appendToTabDescriptor (413) 4 -
8. RuntimeException in LocalSelectionTransfer.nativeToJava (129) 4 -
9. NullPointerException in DiagramEditor.persistViewerSettings (1331) 3 447149
10. NullPointerException in OperationLabelEditPolicy.isParameterType (134) 3 -

Graphical Modeling Tools:


Hybrid Mobile Tooling:

J2ee Standard Tools Project:

1. RuntimeException in TaglibIndex.initializeInstance (681) 173 -
2. HIDDEN in XMLLoadImpl.load (175) 47 -
3. StandInException in FacetedProjectFrameworkImpl.readAction (1817) 31 -
4. JavaModelException in JavaElement.newJavaModelException (566) 21 -
5. CoreException in Tomcat70Configuration.load (313) 16 -
6. NullPointerException in WebAppProvider.getImage (99) 14 -
7. NullPointerException in ModelProviderManager.getModelProvider (101) 12 -
8. NullPointerException in ItemTreeStateProviderManager.getChildren (74) 10 460406
9. IOException in ResourceBundleMapSource.createCachedBundleFile (235) 9 463321
10. NullPointerException in ActionType.isValidValue (89) 7 -

Java Development Tools:

1. SWTException in (202) 95 -
2. RuntimeException in Workspace.checkpoint (545) 91 -
3. StandInException in Workspace.checkpoint (543) 83 -
4. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (341) 83 -
5. FileNotFoundException in LocalFile.openInputStream (369) 72 -
6. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (342) 70 -
7. ResourceException in Resource.delete (817) 65 -
8. RuntimeException in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) 64 -
9. JavaModelException in BatchOperation.executeOperation (50) 55 -
10. ResourceException in Resource.delete (816) 53 445096

_javascript_ Development Tools:


1. ClassCastException in HandlerProxy.execute (294) 5 -
2. ClassCastException in SpecfileEditorToggleCommentActionDelegate.execute (39) 5 -
3. ClassCastException in HandlerProxy.execute (295) 2 -
4. CoreException in GcdaRecordsParser.parseGcdaRecord (109) 1 -

Lua Development Tools:

Machine to Machine:

1. ClassCastException in ParameterImpl.eSet (609) 1 -
2. ClassCastException in EconomicPropertyImpl.eSet (359) 1 -

Maven Integration in Eclipse:

1. InvalidClassException in ProjectRegistryReader.readWorkspaceState (100) 76 -
2. CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1406) 60 -
3. IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 52 -
4. RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) 49 -
5. RuntimeException in DownloadSourcesJob.downloadAttachments (226) 49 -
6. RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) 46 -
7. CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1408) 44 -
8. NullPointerException in PomEdits.performOnDOMDocument (469) 44 -
9. StandInException in DownloadSourcesJob.downloadAttachments (235) 36 -
10. IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 33 -



1. IllegalArgumentException in Image.init (1294) 94 463755
2. SWTException in Tree.getSelection (3446) 8 -
3. RuntimeException in UiSecureCredentialsStore.getSecurePreferences (52) 6 -
4. IllegalStateException in AbstractInterestManipulationAction.getContext (138) 5 -
5. StorageException in SecurePreferences.put (237) 4 -
6. RuntimeException in UiSecureCredentialsStore.getSecurePreferences (52) 3 -
7. IllegalArgumentException in GC.setForeground (4428) 3 -
8. NoClassDefFoundError in AbstractFocusMarkerViewAction.updateMarkerViewLabelProvider (59) 3 -
9. ConcurrentModificationException in RepositoryConfiguration.updateAttributeOptions (613) 2 446310
10. StandInException in AbstractUiFactory.handleExecutionStateError (91) 2 -

Object Constraints Language:

1. StandInException in StandaloneProjectMap$AbstractResourceLoadStatus.getConflictingDynamicResource (757) 3 -
2. StandInException in ToStringVisitor.getFactory (128) 1 -
3. ClassCastException in ParameterImpl.eSet (609) 1 -
4. ClassCastException in EconomicPropertyImpl.eSet (359) 1 -
5. NullPointerException in BasicEObjectImpl.eDynamicSet (1123) 1 -
6. StandInException in EnvironmentView.addElement (528) 1 -
7. NullPointerException in AcceleoTypeResolver.createShadowClass (241) 1 466024
8. StandInException in EnvironmentView.addElement (528) 1 -
9. StandInException in RootCompletePackages.getOwnedCompletePackage (107) 1 -
10. RuntimeException in ISerializationDiagnostic$ExceptionThrowingAcceptor.accept (77) 1 465913



1. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) 142 -
2. RuntimeException in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) 73 -
3. RuntimeException in XMLSaveImpl$Escape.convert (3417) 52 -
4. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) 40 -
5. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (108) 39 -
6. NullPointerException in SetupContext.createSelf (211) 37 -
7. NullPointerException in SetupTaskPerformer.getSetupTasks (1275) 36 -
8. SWTException in UIUtil$ (314) 35 -
9. UnknownHostException in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 30 -
10. StandInException in ProgressPage$11$ (626) 28 -


1. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) 142 -
2. RuntimeException in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) 73 -
3. StandInException in ProvUI.reportStatus (112) 56 -
4. RuntimeException in FeaturesAction.generateSiteReference (493) 46 -
5. ProvisionException in (395) 45 -
6. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) 40 -
7. IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (108) 39 -
8. ProvisionException in CacheManager.updateCache (371) 37 -
9. UnknownHostException in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 30 -
10. ProvisionException in (395) 27 -


1. StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 22 -
2. FileNotFoundException in LocalFile.openInputStream (369) 21 -
3. StandInException in PapyrusContentProvider.getElements (105) 14 -
4. NullPointerException in TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain (61) 10 -
5. StandInException in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor (1432) 10 -
6. SWTException in Control.setBackground (3010) 8 -
7. StandInException in ClientContextManager.configureBindings (520) 8 -
8. IndexOutOfBoundsException in SynchronizableGmfDiagramEditor.revealElement (175) 7 463054
9. NullPointerException in ResourceUpdateService$3$1ResourceDeltaVisitor.visit (206) 6 -
10. OperationCanceledException in NestingNotifyingWorkspaceCommandStack.handleError (157) 6 -

Parallel Tools Platform:

1. NullPointerException in IDE.getWorkspaceFile (410) 3 -
2. NumberFormatException in TileLoopRefactoring.setLoopTilingStepNumber (288) 1 -

PHP Development Tools:

1. RuntimeException in AbstractDebuggerCommunicationDaemon.handleMultipleBindingError (143) 38 -
2. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (342) 21 -
3. StandInException in OptionsConfigurationBlock.testIfOptionsComplete (171) 14 -
4. IOException in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (161) 14 -
5. BadLocationException in PhpTokenContainer.checkBadLocation (446) 11 -
6. ModelException in ModelException.propagate (119) 10 -
7. NullPointerException in StructuredTextEditor$StructuredSelectionProvider.getDocument (688) 9 -
8. ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (334) 9 -
9. StandInException in ChangeExceptionHandler.handle (98) 8 -
10. ModelException in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) 7 -

Plug-in Development Environment:

1. StandInException in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) 23 -
2. BundleException in ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest (550) 19 -
3. RuntimeException in SiteEntry$1.accept (293) 18 -
4. CoreException in PluginModelManager.getExternalBundles (638) 13 -
5. FileNotFoundException in LocalFile.openInputStream (377) 11 -
6. InvalidRegistryObjectException in RegistryObjectManager.basicGetObject (273) 8 449993
7. CoreException in BuildTimeFeatureFactory.parseBuildFeature (85) 8 -
8. NoSuchElementException in BundleManifestSourceLocationManager.setPlugins (213) 8 -
9. SWTException in Text.setText (2248) 7 -
10. BundleException in ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest (550) 6 -


1. StandInException in RootCompletePackages.getOwnedCompletePackage (107) 1 -
2. RuntimeException in ISerializationDiagnostic$ExceptionThrowingAcceptor.accept (77) 1 465913


Remote Application Platform:


1. NullPointerException in MavenClasspathContainerInitializer.initialize (46) 16 -
2. NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 14 -
3. NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 12 -
4. UnknownHostException in RSECorePlugin.getLocalMachineName (265) 11 -
5. Exception in (459) 10 -
6. NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 7 -
7. StandInException in (459) 6 -
8. StandInException in (459) 6 -
9. NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 5 -
10. NullPointerException in MavenClasspathContainerInitializer.initialize (48) 4 -




1. PackageNotFoundException in XMLHandler.getPackageForURI (2625) 16 -
2. ClassCastException in XYLayoutEditPolicy.getCurrentConstraintFor (102) 15 -
3. RuntimeException in ModelingProject.getMainRepresentationsFileURI (227) 9 -
4. NullPointerException in DiagramEditor.persistViewerSettings (1331) 3 447149
5. PackageNotFoundException in XMLHandler.getPackageForURI (2625) 3 -
6. StandInException in ModelingProject.getMainRepresentationsFileURI (235) 2 -
7. BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException in BasicEList.get (346) 1 -


1. NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.busyShowView (1264) 3 -

Trace Compass:


Web Standard Tools:

1. CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 108 463323
2. NullPointerException in ADTMultiPageEditor$InternalLayout.layout (90) 56 -
3. NullPointerException in ADTMultiPageEditor$InternalLayout.layout (90) 53 -
4. IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 52 -
5. HIDDEN in XMLLoadImpl.load (175) 47 -
6. RuntimeException in FeaturesAction.generateSiteReference (493) 46 -
7. StructuredDocumentRegionManagementException in XMLModelParser.removeStructuredDocumentRegion (2265) 38 -
8. IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 33 -
9. StructuredDocumentRegionManagementException in XMLModelParser.removeStructuredDocumentRegion (2222) 33 -
10. StandInException in FacetedProjectFrameworkImpl.readAction (1817) 31 -


1. NullPointerException in JavaInfoUtils.addExposedChildred_Method (449) 33 -
2. NullPointerException in AstEvaluationEngine.evaluate (71) 18 -
3. BadLocationException in (1055) 17 446995
4. IllegalArgumentException in Image.init (1294) 15 -
5. IllegalArgumentException in InvocationEvaluator.evaluate (262) 10 -
6. NullPointerException in FormDimensionInfo.setFormSpec (430) 8 -
7. NullPointerException in AstEvaluationEngine.evaluate (71) 8 -
8. AssertionFailedException in (225) 6 -
9. NullPointerException in JavaInfoUtils.addExposedChildred_Method (447) 4 -
10. StandInException in none 4 -


1. AssertionFailedException in FontRegistry. (284) 4 463340
2. IllegalStateException in XtextResourceSet.registerURI (133) 3 462047
3. AbortCompilation in ProblemReporter.handle (2375) 3 465751
4. IllegalArgumentException in FeatureCallCompiler._toJavaExpression (511) 2 464563
5. IllegalStateException in XtextResourceSet.registerURI (133) 2 464759
6. IllegalStateException in JdtBasedTypeFactory.createType (401) 2 465642
7. NullPointerException in (115) 1 465260
8. NullPointerException in ParameterizedTypeReference. (55) 1 465386
9. NullPointerException in ParameterizedTypeReference. (55) 1 -
10. ClassCastException in TokenScanner.getTokens (137) 1 465472


1. NullPointerException in AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory.create (52) 7 -
2. IllegalStateException in JdtBasedTypeFactory.createType (404) 7 461255
3. ClassCastException in ResourceServiceProviderDescriptor.get (60) 7 462048
4. AssertionFailedException in Position. (63) 7 461630
5. ZipException in SourceAttachmentPackageFragmentRootWalker.traverse (63) 5 -
6. AssertionFailedException in FontRegistry. (284) 4 463340
7. IllegalStateException in StorageAwareTrace.findStorage (107) 4 463338
8. NullPointerException in AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory.create (52) 3 462906
9. IllegalStateException in XtextResourceSet.registerURI (133) 3 462047
10. IOException in BundleURLConverter.toFileURL (40) 3 465638

Thank you for your assistance.
Your friendly error-reports-inbox.

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