Problem |
Number of Reporters |
Bug |
Acceleo: |
1. |
NullPointerException in AcceleoTypeResolver.createShadowClass (241) |
1 |
Ant: |
1. |
SocketException in RemoteAntBuildListener$ServerConnection.run (89) |
24 |
2. |
Problems encountered during text search. |
5 |
3. |
CoreException in WorkspaceResolver.resolveValue (66) |
5 |
4. |
IOException in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (157) |
4 |
5. |
BuildException in EclipseSingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets (34) |
3 |
6. |
StandInException in AntCorePreferences.configureAntObject (746) |
1 |
7. |
StandInException in AntCorePreferences.computeDefaultExtraClasspathEntries (785) |
1 |
8. |
StandInException in none |
1 |
9. |
BuildException in InternalAntRunner.parseBuildFile (387) |
1 |
10. |
NullPointerException in JavaRuntime.resolveRuntimeClasspathEntry (908) |
1 |
Buildship: |
1. |
IllegalStateException in DefaultWorkspaceOperations.createProject (103) |
1 |
2. |
NotEnabledException in Command.executeWithChecks (490) |
1 |
3. |
NotEnabledException in Command.executeWithChecks (490) |
1 |
4. |
IllegalStateException in DefaultWorkspaceOperations.createProject (103) |
1 |
C/C++ Development Tools: |
1. |
Exception in ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.error (226) |
17 |
2. |
NullPointerException in CrossGCCBuiltinSpecsDetector.getCompilerCommand (33) |
14 |
3. |
NullPointerException in PaintManager$PositionManager.managePosition (150) |
12 |
4. |
StandInException in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph (226) |
12 |
5. |
BadPositionCategoryException in AbstractDocument.addPosition (362) |
11 |
6. |
CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) |
11 |
7. |
NoClassDefFoundError in ResourceChangeHandler.createResourceMoveHandler (281) |
9 |
8. |
NoClassDefFoundError in DeltaProcessor.processResourceDelta (428) |
8 |
9. |
IllegalArgumentException in ClassTypeHelper.invalidMember (1021) |
8 |
10. |
NoClassDefFoundError in ResourceChangeHandlerBase.doHandleResourceMove (190) |
8 |
Code Recommenders: |
1. |
LogTraceException in CallCompletionSessionProcessor.process (208) |
79 |
2. |
LogTraceException in JavaElementSelections.resolveJavaElementFromTypeRootInEditor (161) |
44 |
3. |
StandInException in ProposalUtils.toMethodName (93) |
18 |
4. |
LogTraceException in CallCompletionSessionProcessor.process (202) |
3 |
5. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (334) |
2 |
6. |
IllegalArgumentException in Fields.checkFields (96) |
1 |
7. |
JavaModelException in JavaModelOperation.runOperation (785) |
1 |
8. |
JavaModelException in JavaModelOperation.runOperation (785) |
1 |
9. |
LinkageError in HttpTransporter.configureClient (168) |
1 |
10. |
NullPointerException in CompletionEngine.findLocalMethods (8737) |
1 |
Datatools: |
1. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (342) |
19 |
2. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (341) |
16 |
3. |
IllegalArgumentException in ResultHistoryLuceneIndex.search (216) |
5 |
4. |
NullPointerException in TableDataTableCursor.registerCellEditorsListener (110) |
2 |
5. |
IllegalArgumentException in ResultHistoryLuceneIndex.search (216) |
2 |
6. |
AssertionFailedException in ExternalSQLFileEditorInput. (136) |
1 |
Dynamic Languages Toolkit: |
1. |
ModelException in ModelException.propagate (119) |
10 |
2. |
StandInException in ChangeExceptionHandler.handle (98) |
8 |
3. |
CoreException in ClassFileEditor.doSetInput (675) |
8 |
4. |
ModelException in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) |
7 |
5. |
ModelException in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) |
5 |
6. |
ModelException in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) |
5 |
7. |
ModelException in ModelElement.newModelException (394) |
3 |
8. |
ModelException in BatchOperation.executeOperation (47) |
3 |
9. |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TextSequenceUtilities$AbstractTextSequence.charAt (98) |
2 |
10. |
ModelException in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) |
2 |
E(fx)clipse: |
Eclipse Communication Framework: |
Eclipse Debug Infrastructure: |
1. |
RuntimeException in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) |
135 |
2. |
TimeoutException in PacketReceiveManager.getReply (186) |
65 |
3. |
CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1406) |
60 |
4. |
RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) |
49 |
5. |
RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) |
46 |
6. |
CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1408) |
44 |
7. |
CoreException in TypeExtensionManager.getProperty (123) |
39 |
8. |
StandInException in ModeledPageLayout.insertStack (503) |
36 |
9. |
RuntimeException in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) |
27 |
10. |
StandInException in AbstractDetailPane.display (285) |
19 |
Eclipse Equinox OSGi: |
1. |
StandInException in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) |
278 |
2. |
StandInException in CompatibilityPart.handlePartInitException (291) |
253 |
3. |
RuntimeException in TaglibIndex.initializeInstance (681) |
173 |
4. |
RuntimeException in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) |
135 |
5. |
SWTException in Control.setFocus (3320) |
134 |
6. |
CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) |
125 |
7. |
CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) |
108 |
8. |
InvalidClassException in ProjectRegistryReader.readWorkspaceState (100) |
76 |
9. |
RuntimeException in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) |
73 |
10. |
Could not set the project description for 'ch.arenae.phoenix.generator' becau... |
72 |
Eclipse Help: |
1. |
RuntimeException in IndexingOperation.addDocuments (267) |
100 |
2. |
RuntimeException in PluginIndex.resolve (126) |
99 |
3. |
FileNotFoundException in TocFileParser.parse (49) |
25 |
4. |
HIDDEN in DocumentReader.read (56) |
14 |
5. |
NullPointerException in ContextManager.getContext (58) |
1 |
Eclipse Platform: |
1. |
StandInException in PluginActionBuilder.ideLog (549) |
124 |
2. |
IllegalArgumentException in Image.init (1294) |
116 |
3. |
StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) |
105 |
4. |
StandInException in JobListeners$3.notify (42) |
77 |
5. |
StandInException in LightweightDecoratorManager$LightweightRunnable.handleException (71) |
50 |
6. |
NullPointerException in DetachedDropAgent.drop (60) |
45 |
7. |
Problems occurred while refreshing local changes |
45 |
8. |
StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) |
42 |
9. |
StandInException in PluginActionBuilder.ideLog (549) |
37 |
10. |
StandInException in CommonViewerSorter.compare (96) |
36 |
Eclipse Team Provider: |
1. |
StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) |
77 |
2. |
TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) |
71 |
3. |
TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) |
70 |
4. |
IllegalArgumentException in ListenerList.remove (155) |
41 |
5. |
StandInException in ProgressMonitorUtility.doTask (104) |
38 |
6. |
RuntimeException in ProgressMonitorUtility.doTask (104) |
29 |
7. |
RuntimeException in SVNLightweightDecorator.decorate (200) |
27 |
8. |
NullPointerException in AffectedPathsLabelProvider.getImage (74) |
13 |
9. |
StandInException in AbstractSVNStorage.saveAuthInfo (601) |
11 |
10. |
TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) |
9 |
Edapt: |
EGit / JGit: |
1. |
TeamException in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) |
71 |
2. |
IOException in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (161) |
26 |
3. |
FileNotFoundException in GitProjectData.map (497) |
19 |
4. |
BackingStoreException in ProjectPreferences.load (516) |
16 |
5. |
BackingStoreException in ProjectPreferences.load (516) |
16 |
6. |
RuntimeException in CompatibilityPart.handlePartInitException (282) |
10 |
7. |
FileNotFoundException in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) |
9 |
8. |
FileNotFoundException in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) |
9 |
9. |
FileNotFoundException in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) |
9 |
10. |
NoRemoteRepositoryException in TransportHttp.connect (488) |
8 |
EMF Client Platform: |
EMF-IncQuery: |
1. |
ClassNotFoundException in BundleLoader.findClassInternal (439) |
1 |
EMFStore: |
EPP Logging: |
1. |
SWTError in MenuItem.setEnabled (744) |
1 |
EPP Marketplace Client: |
1. |
IncomingFileTransferException in HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.openStreams (662) |
21 |
2. |
IOException in AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer.handleReceivedData (290) |
20 |
3. |
IncomingFileTransferException in HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.openStreams (662) |
14 |
4. |
IOException in MarketplaceUnmarshaller.unmarshal (54) |
13 |
5. |
StandInException in MarketplaceWizard.updateProfileChangeOperation (721) |
10 |
6. |
StandInException in MarketplaceWizard$7.run (896) |
10 |
7. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (108) |
7 |
8. |
StandInException in MarketplaceWizard$6.run (804) |
6 |
9. |
NullPointerException in NewsViewer$ProgressRunnable$1.run (268) |
3 |
10. |
FileNotFoundException in RepositoryStatusHelper.checkFileNotFound (297) |
3 |
Epsilon: |
1. |
NullPointerException in AbstractModuleEditor.getText (373) |
1 |
Graphical Editing Framework: |
1. |
ClassCastException in XYLayoutEditPolicy.getCurrentConstraintFor (102) |
15 |
2. |
SWTException in GC.getAdvanced (2270) |
9 |
3. |
IllegalArgumentException in AbstractEditPart.setSelected (1060) |
5 |
4. |
ServiceNotFoundException in ServiceUtilsForResourceSet.getServiceRegistry (44) |
4 |
5. |
NullPointerException in OperationLabelEditPolicy.isParameterType (134) |
3 |
6. |
IllegalArgumentException in GC.drawImage (870) |
3 |
7. |
ClassCastException in Domain2Notation.putView (68) |
3 |
8. |
StandInException in LocalSelectionTransfer.nativeToJava (129) |
2 |
9. |
NullPointerException in CMUtil.getStandaloneTLDURI (129) |
2 |
10. |
ClassCastException in FigureProvider.getText (26) |
1 |
Graphical Modeling Framework: |
1. |
ClassCastException in XYLayoutEditPolicy.getCurrentConstraintFor (102) |
15 |
2. |
StandInException in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor (1432) |
10 |
3. |
SWTException in GC.getAdvanced (2270) |
9 |
4. |
StandInException in ClientContextManager.configureBindings (520) |
8 |
5. |
IllegalArgumentException in AbstractEditPart.setSelected (1060) |
5 |
6. |
ServiceNotFoundException in ServiceUtilsForResourceSet.getServiceRegistry (44) |
4 |
7. |
StandInException in TabbedPropertyRegistry.appendToTabDescriptor (413) |
4 |
8. |
RuntimeException in LocalSelectionTransfer.nativeToJava (129) |
4 |
9. |
NullPointerException in DiagramEditor.persistViewerSettings (1331) |
3 |
10. |
NullPointerException in OperationLabelEditPolicy.isParameterType (134) |
3 |
Graphical Modeling Tools: |
Graphiti: |
Hybrid Mobile Tooling: |
J2ee Standard Tools Project: |
1. |
RuntimeException in TaglibIndex.initializeInstance (681) |
173 |
2. |
HIDDEN in XMLLoadImpl.load (175) |
47 |
3. |
StandInException in FacetedProjectFrameworkImpl.readAction (1817) |
31 |
4. |
JavaModelException in JavaElement.newJavaModelException (566) |
21 |
5. |
CoreException in Tomcat70Configuration.load (313) |
16 |
6. |
NullPointerException in WebAppProvider.getImage (99) |
14 |
7. |
NullPointerException in ModelProviderManager.getModelProvider (101) |
12 |
8. |
NullPointerException in ItemTreeStateProviderManager.getChildren (74) |
10 |
9. |
IOException in ResourceBundleMapSource.createCachedBundleFile (235) |
9 |
10. |
NullPointerException in ActionType.isValidValue (89) |
7 |
Java Development Tools: |
1. |
SWTException in RefactoringWizardOpenOperation.run (202) |
95 |
2. |
RuntimeException in Workspace.checkpoint (545) |
91 |
3. |
StandInException in Workspace.checkpoint (543) |
83 |
4. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (341) |
83 |
5. |
FileNotFoundException in LocalFile.openInputStream (369) |
72 |
6. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (342) |
70 |
7. |
ResourceException in Resource.delete (817) |
65 |
8. |
RuntimeException in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) |
64 |
9. |
JavaModelException in BatchOperation.executeOperation (50) |
55 |
10. |
ResourceException in Resource.delete (816) |
53 |
_javascript_ Development Tools: |
Linuxtools: |
1. |
ClassCastException in HandlerProxy.execute (294) |
5 |
2. |
ClassCastException in SpecfileEditorToggleCommentActionDelegate.execute (39) |
5 |
3. |
ClassCastException in HandlerProxy.execute (295) |
2 |
4. |
CoreException in GcdaRecordsParser.parseGcdaRecord (109) |
1 |
Lua Development Tools: |
Machine to Machine: |
1. |
ClassCastException in ParameterImpl.eSet (609) |
1 |
2. |
ClassCastException in EconomicPropertyImpl.eSet (359) |
1 |
Maven Integration in Eclipse: |
1. |
InvalidClassException in ProjectRegistryReader.readWorkspaceState (100) |
76 |
2. |
CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1406) |
60 |
3. |
IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) |
52 |
4. |
RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) |
49 |
5. |
RuntimeException in DownloadSourcesJob.downloadAttachments (226) |
49 |
6. |
RuntimeException in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) |
46 |
7. |
CoreException in JavaRuntime.abort (1408) |
44 |
8. |
NullPointerException in PomEdits.performOnDOMDocument (469) |
44 |
9. |
StandInException in DownloadSourcesJob.downloadAttachments (235) |
36 |
10. |
IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) |
33 |
Modisco: |
Mylyn: |
1. |
IllegalArgumentException in Image.init (1294) |
94 |
2. |
SWTException in Tree.getSelection (3446) |
8 |
3. |
RuntimeException in UiSecureCredentialsStore.getSecurePreferences (52) |
6 |
4. |
IllegalStateException in AbstractInterestManipulationAction.getContext (138) |
5 |
5. |
StorageException in SecurePreferences.put (237) |
4 |
6. |
RuntimeException in UiSecureCredentialsStore.getSecurePreferences (52) |
3 |
7. |
IllegalArgumentException in GC.setForeground (4428) |
3 |
8. |
NoClassDefFoundError in AbstractFocusMarkerViewAction.updateMarkerViewLabelProvider (59) |
3 |
9. |
ConcurrentModificationException in RepositoryConfiguration.updateAttributeOptions (613) |
2 |
10. |
StandInException in AbstractUiFactory.handleExecutionStateError (91) |
2 |
Object Constraints Language: |
1. |
StandInException in StandaloneProjectMap$AbstractResourceLoadStatus.getConflictingDynamicResource (757) |
3 |
2. |
StandInException in ToStringVisitor.getFactory (128) |
1 |
3. |
ClassCastException in ParameterImpl.eSet (609) |
1 |
4. |
ClassCastException in EconomicPropertyImpl.eSet (359) |
1 |
5. |
NullPointerException in BasicEObjectImpl.eDynamicSet (1123) |
1 |
6. |
StandInException in EnvironmentView.addElement (528) |
1 |
7. |
NullPointerException in AcceleoTypeResolver.createShadowClass (241) |
1 |
8. |
StandInException in EnvironmentView.addElement (528) |
1 |
9. |
StandInException in RootCompletePackages.getOwnedCompletePackage (107) |
1 |
10. |
RuntimeException in ISerializationDiagnostic$ExceptionThrowingAcceptor.accept (77) |
1 |
Objectteams: |
Oomph: |
1. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) |
142 |
2. |
RuntimeException in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) |
73 |
3. |
RuntimeException in XMLSaveImpl$Escape.convert (3417) |
52 |
4. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) |
40 |
5. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (108) |
39 |
6. |
NullPointerException in SetupContext.createSelf (211) |
37 |
7. |
NullPointerException in SetupTaskPerformer.getSetupTasks (1275) |
36 |
8. |
SWTException in UIUtil$3.run (314) |
35 |
9. |
UnknownHostException in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) |
30 |
10. |
StandInException in ProgressPage$11$1.run (626) |
28 |
P2: |
1. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) |
142 |
2. |
RuntimeException in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) |
73 |
3. |
StandInException in ProvUI.reportStatus (112) |
56 |
4. |
RuntimeException in FeaturesAction.generateSiteReference (493) |
46 |
5. |
ProvisionException in AbstractRepositoryManager.fail (395) |
45 |
6. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (106) |
40 |
7. |
IllegalStateException in ProfileLock.lock (108) |
39 |
8. |
ProvisionException in CacheManager.updateCache (371) |
37 |
9. |
UnknownHostException in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) |
30 |
10. |
ProvisionException in AbstractRepositoryManager.fail (395) |
27 |
Papyrus: |
1. |
StandInException in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) |
22 |
2. |
FileNotFoundException in LocalFile.openInputStream (369) |
21 |
3. |
StandInException in PapyrusContentProvider.getElements (105) |
14 |
4. |
NullPointerException in TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain (61) |
10 |
5. |
StandInException in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor (1432) |
10 |
6. |
SWTException in Control.setBackground (3010) |
8 |
7. |
StandInException in ClientContextManager.configureBindings (520) |
8 |
8. |
IndexOutOfBoundsException in SynchronizableGmfDiagramEditor.revealElement (175) |
7 |
9. |
NullPointerException in ResourceUpdateService$3$1ResourceDeltaVisitor.visit (206) |
6 |
10. |
OperationCanceledException in NestingNotifyingWorkspaceCommandStack.handleError (157) |
6 |
Parallel Tools Platform: |
1. |
NullPointerException in IDE.getWorkspaceFile (410) |
3 |
2. |
NumberFormatException in TileLoopRefactoring.setLoopTilingStepNumber (288) |
1 |
PHP Development Tools: |
1. |
RuntimeException in AbstractDebuggerCommunicationDaemon.handleMultipleBindingError (143) |
38 |
2. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (342) |
21 |
3. |
StandInException in OptionsConfigurationBlock.testIfOptionsComplete (171) |
14 |
4. |
IOException in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (161) |
14 |
5. |
BadLocationException in PhpTokenContainer.checkBadLocation (446) |
11 |
6. |
ModelException in ModelException.propagate (119) |
10 |
7. |
NullPointerException in StructuredTextEditor$StructuredSelectionProvider.getDocument (688) |
9 |
8. |
ResourceException in Resource.checkExists (334) |
9 |
9. |
StandInException in ChangeExceptionHandler.handle (98) |
8 |
10. |
ModelException in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) |
7 |
Plug-in Development Environment: |
1. |
StandInException in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) |
23 |
2. |
BundleException in ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest (550) |
19 |
3. |
RuntimeException in SiteEntry$1.accept (293) |
18 |
4. |
CoreException in PluginModelManager.getExternalBundles (638) |
13 |
5. |
FileNotFoundException in LocalFile.openInputStream (377) |
11 |
6. |
InvalidRegistryObjectException in RegistryObjectManager.basicGetObject (273) |
8 |
7. |
CoreException in BuildTimeFeatureFactory.parseBuildFeature (85) |
8 |
8. |
NoSuchElementException in BundleManifestSourceLocationManager.setPlugins (213) |
8 |
9. |
SWTException in Text.setText (2248) |
7 |
10. |
BundleException in ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest (550) |
6 |
QVTd: |
1. |
StandInException in RootCompletePackages.getOwnedCompletePackage (107) |
1 |
2. |
RuntimeException in ISerializationDiagnostic$ExceptionThrowingAcceptor.accept (77) |
1 |
Remote Application Platform: |
RSE: |
1. |
NullPointerException in MavenClasspathContainerInitializer.initialize (46) |
16 |
2. |
NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) |
14 |
3. |
NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) |
12 |
4. |
UnknownHostException in RSECorePlugin.getLocalMachineName (265) |
11 |
5. |
Exception in SystemMessageDialog.open (459) |
10 |
6. |
NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) |
7 |
7. |
StandInException in SystemMessageDialog.open (459) |
6 |
8. |
StandInException in SystemMessageDialog.open (459) |
6 |
9. |
NullPointerException in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) |
5 |
10. |
NullPointerException in MavenClasspathContainerInitializer.initialize (48) |
4 |
Sapphire: |
Scout: |
Sirius: |
1. |
PackageNotFoundException in XMLHandler.getPackageForURI (2625) |
16 |
2. |
ClassCastException in XYLayoutEditPolicy.getCurrentConstraintFor (102) |
15 |
3. |
RuntimeException in ModelingProject.getMainRepresentationsFileURI (227) |
9 |
4. |
NullPointerException in DiagramEditor.persistViewerSettings (1331) |
3 |
5. |
PackageNotFoundException in XMLHandler.getPackageForURI (2625) |
3 |
6. |
StandInException in ModelingProject.getMainRepresentationsFileURI (235) |
2 |
7. |
BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException in BasicEList.get (346) |
1 |
TCF: |
1. |
NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.busyShowView (1264) |
3 |
Trace Compass: |
UML2: |
Web Standard Tools: |
1. |
CoreException in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) |
108 |
2. |
NullPointerException in ADTMultiPageEditor$InternalLayout.layout (90) |
56 |
3. |
NullPointerException in ADTMultiPageEditor$InternalLayout.layout (90) |
53 |
4. |
IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) |
52 |
5. |
HIDDEN in XMLLoadImpl.load (175) |
47 |
6. |
RuntimeException in FeaturesAction.generateSiteReference (493) |
46 |
7. |
StructuredDocumentRegionManagementException in XMLModelParser.removeStructuredDocumentRegion (2265) |
38 |
8. |
IllegalArgumentException in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) |
33 |
9. |
StructuredDocumentRegionManagementException in XMLModelParser.removeStructuredDocumentRegion (2222) |
33 |
10. |
StandInException in FacetedProjectFrameworkImpl.readAction (1817) |
31 |
Windowbuilder: |
1. |
NullPointerException in JavaInfoUtils.addExposedChildred_Method (449) |
33 |
2. |
NullPointerException in AstEvaluationEngine.evaluate (71) |
18 |
3. |
BadLocationException in TreeLineTracker.fail (1055) |
17 |
4. |
IllegalArgumentException in Image.init (1294) |
15 |
5. |
IllegalArgumentException in InvocationEvaluator.evaluate (262) |
10 |
6. |
NullPointerException in FormDimensionInfo.setFormSpec (430) |
8 |
7. |
NullPointerException in AstEvaluationEngine.evaluate (71) |
8 |
8. |
AssertionFailedException in Assert.fail (225) |
6 |
9. |
NullPointerException in JavaInfoUtils.addExposedChildred_Method (447) |
4 |
10. |
StandInException in none |
4 |
Xtend: |
1. |
AssertionFailedException in FontRegistry. (284) |
4 |
2. |
IllegalStateException in XtextResourceSet.registerURI (133) |
3 |
3. |
AbortCompilation in ProblemReporter.handle (2375) |
3 |
4. |
IllegalArgumentException in FeatureCallCompiler._toJavaExpression (511) |
2 |
5. |
IllegalStateException in XtextResourceSet.registerURI (133) |
2 |
6. |
IllegalStateException in JdtBasedTypeFactory.createType (401) |
2 |
7. |
NullPointerException in BackendBuilder.build (115) |
1 |
8. |
NullPointerException in ParameterizedTypeReference. (55) |
1 |
9. |
NullPointerException in ParameterizedTypeReference. (55) |
1 |
10. |
ClassCastException in TokenScanner.getTokens (137) |
1 |
Xtext: |
1. |
NullPointerException in AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory.create (52) |
7 |
2. |
IllegalStateException in JdtBasedTypeFactory.createType (404) |
7 |
3. |
ClassCastException in ResourceServiceProviderDescriptor.get (60) |
7 |
4. |
AssertionFailedException in Position. (63) |
7 |
5. |
ZipException in SourceAttachmentPackageFragmentRootWalker.traverse (63) |
5 |
6. |
AssertionFailedException in FontRegistry. (284) |
4 |
7. |
IllegalStateException in StorageAwareTrace.findStorage (107) |
4 |
8. |
NullPointerException in AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory.create (52) |
3 |
9. |
IllegalStateException in XtextResourceSet.registerURI (133) |
3 |
10. |
IOException in BundleURLConverter.toFileURL (40) |
3 |