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[cross-project-issues-dev] Updates from the Automated Error Reporting

Hi cross-projects,

I’d like to share some numbers collected over the last weeks. Over all we have collected ~130.000 error reports since it’s inception which have been clustered into ~9.000 error groups. Out of this ~600 errors have been tracked in bugzilla. 75 errors (better: their bugzilla tickets) have been marked as duplicates of other bugs, ~25 have been marked as works for me or wont fix, and 176 error reports have been fixed so far.

We currently receive ~1.000 error reports per day with a tendency to less and less error reports. I’d love to say that’s because our projects fixed so many issues but that’s likely not the only reason why this number if falling. However, I do believe that this trend is great - but I hope we can still get a bit better as well.

Below I’ve attached the list of the most frequently reported issues of the last 14 days. Maybe some project committers have time to have a closer look at some of them. If no one complains, I’d like to post the latest trends to cross-projects every, say, two weeks so that committers or contributors get an idea which issues they can help to fix.

If some project feels offended by this report (which I don’t intend with that email - but could understand), let me know. Either I will remove your project from this list or completely drop the idea of sending a list of the topmost open issues.

All the best and have a great weekend

Begin forwarded message:

From: Error Report Bot <no-reply@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Weekly Error Reports Summary
Date: 24 Apr 2015 15:55:52 CEST


this is an error reporting status digest generated from the most frequently reported issues of the last 14 days. The status of all items on this short list is unknown, i.e., they haven't been fixed yet nor has a committer marked them as log message.

To remove a item from this list, you can either (i) close it by marking it as log message in the reporter web ui or (ii) if the report is linked to a bug report, close the bug report (as fixed, wont fix etc.).

  Problem Number of Reporters Bug



1. SE in RemoteAntBuildListener$ (89) 20 -
2. Problems encountered during text search. 5 -
3. CE in WorkspaceResolver.resolveValue (66) 5 -
4. NPE in AntElementNode.getBuildFileResource (589) 4 -
5. BE in EclipseSingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets (34) 3 -
6. BE in EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeTargets (36) 1 -
7. SISPSIE in none 1 -
8. SISPSIE in AntCorePreferences.configureAntObject (746) 1 -
9. SISPSIE in AntCorePreferences.computeDefaultExtraClasspathEntries (785) 1 -



C/C++ Development Tools:

1. E in ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.error (226) 16 -
2. NPE in CrossGCCBuiltinSpecsDetector.getCompilerCommand (33) 14 -
3. SISPSIE in ControlFlowGraphBuilder.createSubGraph (226) 12 -
4. NPE in PaintManager$PositionManager.managePosition (150) 10 -
5. BPCE in AbstractDocument.addPosition (362) 10 -
6. NCDFE in ResourceChangeHandler.createResourceMoveHandler (281) 9 -
7. IAE in ClassTypeHelper.invalidMember (1021) 8 -
8. NCDFE in DeltaProcessor.processResourceDelta (428) 8 -
9. NCDFE in ResourceChangeHandlerBase.doHandleResourceMove (190) 8 -
10. E in AbstractMIControl$RxThread.processMIOutput (926) 7 -

Code Recommenders:

1. LLTE in CallCompletionSessionProcessor.process (208) 77 -
2. LLTE in CallCompletionSessionProcessor.process (203) 68 -
3. LLTE in JavaElementSelections.resolveJavaElementFromTypeRootInEditor (161) 42 -
4. AC in ProblemReporter.handle (2366) 15 -
5. LLTE in CompletionSessionProcessor.process (161) 8 -
6. SE in OSXProvider.getPassword (-2) 7 -
7. LLTE in AbstractCompletionSessionProcessor.startSession (112) 6 -
8. CNFE in BundleLoader.findClassInternal (439) 2 -
9. NPE in CompletionProposalCollector. (184) 2 -
10. AC in ProblemReporter.handle (2364) 2 -


1. RE in Resource.checkExists (342) 18 -
2. IAE in (216) 4 -
3. NPE in ConnectionProfileMgmt.readCPsFromXML1_0 (676) 4 -
4. NPE in TableDataTableCursor.registerCellEditorsListener (110) 2 -
5. NPE in SQLScrapbookEditor$ToolbarSourceViewer.access$0 (83) 2 -
6. Could not connect to DerbyTest. 1 -
7. IAE in (216) 1 -
8. CCE in SQLUpdater.getMarkerSourceId (638) 1 -
9. AFE in ExternalSQLFileEditorInput. (136) 1 -

Dynamic Languages Toolkit:

1. ME in ModelException.propagate (119) 10 -
2. ME in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) 8 -
3. CE in ClassFileEditor.doSetInput (675) 5 -
4. ME in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) 4 -
5. ME in BatchOperation.executeOperation (47) 3 -
6. NPE in DeltaProcessor.checkProjectsBeingAddedOrRemoved (384) 3 -
7. ME in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) 3 -
8. ME in ModelOperation.runOperation (760) 3 -
9. ME in ModelElement.newModelException (394) 3 -
10. ME in ModelManager.initializeContainer (1985) 2 -


Eclipse Communication Framework:

Eclipse Debug Infrastructure:

1. RE in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) 130 -
2. TE in PacketReceiveManager.getReply (186) 64 -
3. CE in TypeExtensionManager.getProperty (123) 39 -
4. SISPSIE in ModeledPageLayout.insertStack (503) 35 -
5. CE in JavaRuntime.abort (1408) 33 -
6. RE in LaunchConfigurationPresentationManager.reportReplacement (148) 28 -
7. RE in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) 26 -
8. CE in TypeExtensionManager.getProperty (123) 17 -
9. CE in ClassFileEditor.doSetInput (668) 17 -
10. CE in TypeExtensionManager.getProperty (123) 14 -

Eclipse Equinox OSGi:

1. SISPSIE in CompatibilityPart.handlePartInitException (291) 236 -
2. RE in MenuHelper$1.evaluate (246) 130 -
3. SISPSIE in PluginActionBuilder.ideLog (549) 121 -
4. CE in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 120 -
5. SISPSIE in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 107 -
6. IAE in Image.init (1294) 106 -
7. SISPSIE in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 104 -
8. SISPSIE in ProvUI.reportStatus (113) 92 -
9. SWTE in (202) 90 -
10. RE in Resource.checkExists (341) 81 -

Eclipse Help:

1. RE in IndexingOperation.addDocuments (267) 91 -
2. RE in PluginIndex.resolve (126) 90 -
3. FNFE in TocFileParser.parse (49) 21 -
4. HIDDEN in (56) 12 -
5. HIDDEN in (56) 6 -
6. HIDDEN in (56) 4 -
7. HIDDEN in (56) 3 -
8. SISPSIE in IndexingOperation.addDocuments (267) 3 -
9. SISPSIE in PluginIndex.resolve (125) 2 -

Eclipse Platform:

1. CE in ConfigurationElement.throwException (62) 530 -
2. CE in ConfigurationElement.throwException (62) 445 -
3. Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost failed to stop. 85 -
4. SISPSIE in JobListeners$3.notify (42) 70 -
5. An error occurred while collecting items to be installed 50 -
6. SISPSIE in LightweightDecoratorManager$LightweightRunnable.handleException (71) 46 -
7. An error occurred while collecting items to be installed 42 -
8. CE in ConfigurationElement.throwException (62) 34 -
9. Problems encountered during text search. 32 -
10. RE in PrepareInstallProfileJob.resolve (143) 19 -

Eclipse Team Provider:

1. SISPSIE in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 74 -
2. TE in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 64 -
3. TE in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 64 -
4. IAE in ListenerList.remove (155) 40 -
5. SISPSIE in ProgressMonitorUtility.doTask (104) 37 -
6. RE in ProgressMonitorUtility.doTask (104) 28 -
7. RE in SVNLightweightDecorator.decorate (200) 26 -
8. NPE in AffectedPathsLabelProvider.getImage (74) 10 -
9. NFE in AbstractSVNStorage.repositoryResourceFromBytes (413) 8 -
10. TE in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider (165) 8 -


EGit / JGit:

1. IOE in FS.readPipe (431) 181 -
2. IOE in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (161) 26 -
3. BSE in ProjectPreferences.load (516) 15 -
4. BSE in ProjectPreferences.load (516) 15 -
5. UHE in JDKHttpConnection.getResponseCode (98) 15 -
6. RE in FileSystemResourceManager.refreshResource (923) 12 -
7. RE in FileSystemResourceManager.refreshResource (958) 11 -
8. RE in CompatibilityPart.handlePartInitException (282) 10 -
9. FNFE in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) 10 -
10. FNFE in LocalNonWorkspaceTypedElement.getContents (72) 9 -

EMF Client Platform:


1. CNFE in BundleLoader.findClassInternal (439) 1 -


EPP Logging:

EPP Marketplace Client:

1. FNFE in RepositoryStatusHelper.checkFileNotFound (297) 36 -
2. UHE in HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer.performConnect (1077) 30 -
3. IOE in AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer.handleReceivedData (290) 17 -
4. IOE in MarketplaceUnmarshaller.unmarshal (54) 12 -


Graphical Editing Framework:

1. RE in Graphics.throwNotImplemented (1228) 5 -
2. IAE in GC.drawImage (870) 2 -
3. AFE in ConnectionBendpointEditPolicy.saveOriginalConstraint (344) 1 -
4. AFE in ConnectionBendpointEditPolicy.restoreOriginalConstraint (315) 1 -
5. CCE in FigureProvider.getText (26) 1 -
6. SWTE in Label.setText (602) 1 -
7. SISPSIE in DynamicAcceleoModule.compile (458) 1 -
8. NPE in ICommandProxy. (40) 1 -
9. NPE in GraphicalEditor.setFocus (428) 1 -
10. NPE in ParserProvider. (80) 1 -

Graphical Modeling Framework:

1. SISPSIE in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor (1432) 10 -
2. IAE in GC.setFont (4407) 10 -
3. SWTE in GC.getAdvanced (2270) 9 -
4. SISPSIE in ClientContextManager.configureBindings (520) 8 -
5. NCDFE in BundleResourceManager.getQVTUnitResolver (118) 7 -
6. RE in Graphics.throwNotImplemented (1228) 5 -
7. IAE in AbstractEditPart.setSelected (1060) 5 -
8. NPE in Util.resolve (207) 4 -
9. SWTE in Color.getRGB (217) 4 -
10. SISPSIE in TabbedPropertyRegistry.appendToTabDescriptor (413) 4 -

Graphical Modeling Tools:


Hybrid Mobile Tooling:

1. SIOOBE in XCodeBuild$XCodeVersionParser.getVersion (80) 1 -

J2ee Standard Tools Project:

1. HIDDEN in XMLLoadImpl.load (175) 45 -
2. JME in JavaElement.newJavaModelException (566) 17 -
3. CE in Tomcat70Configuration.load (313) 16 -
4. NPE in LibraryProviderFrameworkImpl.getCurrentProvider (144) 14 -
5. NPE in WebAppProvider.getImage (99) 14 -
6. NPE in ActionType.isValidValue (89) 7 -
7. SISPSIE in AbstractMergedModelProvider.getMergedModel (222) 7 -
8. RE in FunctionGroup.isMatch (135) 6 -
9. FNFE in FileURIHandlerImpl.createInputStream (99) 5 -
10. OFE in CommonarchiveFactoryImpl.openSpecificArchive (821) 5 -

Java Development Tools:

1. RE in Resource.delete (817) 64 -
2. JME in BatchOperation.executeOperation (50) 52 -
3. RE in Resource.delete (817) 51 -
4. RE in Resource.delete (816) 45 -
5. RE in Resource.delete (816) 43 -
6. RE in Resource.delete (816) 37 -
7. FNFE in LocalFile.openInputStream (377) 35 -
8. TE in PacketReceiveManager.getReply (186) 24 -
9. TE in PacketReceiveManager.getReply (186) 22 -
10. TE in PacketReceiveManager.getReply (186) 20 -

_javascript_ Development Tools:


1. CCE in HandlerProxy.execute (295) 1 -
2. NPE in GcovAnnotationModel.findSourceCoverageForElement (240) 1 -
3. CE in GcdaRecordsParser.parseGcdaRecord (142) 1 -
4. CE in GcdaRecordsParser.parseGcdaRecord (109) 1 -

Lua Development Tools:

Machine to Machine:

1. IAE in WorkspaceUnitResolver. (70) 1 -
2. Errors occurred during the build. 1 -
3. CCE in ParameterImpl.eSet (609) 1 -
4. CCE in EconomicPropertyImpl.eSet (359) 1 -

Maven Integration in Eclipse:

1. ICE in ProjectRegistryReader.readWorkspaceState (100) 67 -
2. CE in JavaRuntime.abort (1406) 58 -
3. RE in DownloadSourcesJob.downloadAttachments (226) 49 -
4. RE in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) 47 -
5. IAE in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 47 -
6. RE in MavenLaunchConfigurationListener.updateLaunchConfiguration (58) 46 -
7. NPE in PomEdits.performOnDOMDocument (469) 39 -
8. SISPSIE in DownloadSourcesJob.downloadAttachments (235) 36 -
9. NPE in MavenClasspathContainerInitializer.getBuildPathManager (80) 33 -
10. CE in JavaRuntime.abort (1408) 33 -



1. RE in TasksUiInternal$ (612) 16 -
2. CNFE in BundleLoader.findClassInternal (439) 7 -
3. RE in UiSecureCredentialsStore.getSecurePreferences (52) 6 -
4. ISE in AbstractInterestManipulationAction.getContext (138) 5 -
5. SE in SecurePreferences.put (237) 4 -
6. IAE in GC.setForeground (4428) 3 -
7. RE in UiSecureCredentialsStore.getSecurePreferences (52) 3 -
8. SWTE in Color.getRGB (327) 2 -
9. IAE in Workspace.newResource (2137) 2 -
10. SISPSIE in OperationServiceUi.handleResult (42) 2 -

Object Constraints Language:

1. IAE in BasicEObjectImpl.eStructuralFeature (733) 7 -
2. SISPSIE in ToStringVisitor.getFactory (128) 1 -
3. PE in CompoundXtextEditorCallback. (39) 1 -
4. CCE in ParameterImpl.eSet (609) 1 -
5. CCE in EconomicPropertyImpl.eSet (359) 1 -
6. NPE in BasicEObjectImpl.eDynamicSet (1123) 1 -
7. SISPSIE in EnvironmentView.addElement (528) 1 -



1. ISE in ProfileLock.lock (106) 134 -
2. RE in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) 73 -
3. STE in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 59 -
4. CE in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 55 -
5. RE in XMLSaveImpl$Escape.convert (3417) 47 -
6. ISE in ProfileLock.lock (106) 39 -
7. NPE in SetupContext.createSelf (211) 37 -
8. SWTE in StyledText.getSelectionRange (4705) 37 -
9. FNFE in RepositoryStatusHelper.checkFileNotFound (297) 36 -
10. NPE in SetupTaskPerformer.getSetupTasks (1275) 36 -


1. RE in UpdateChecker.getAvailableRepositories (154) 223 -
2. CE in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 177 -
3. ISE in ProfileLock.lock (106) 134 -
4. UHE in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 111 -
5. STE in AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer$1.performFileTransfer (178) 109 -
6. SISPSIE in ProvUI.reportStatus (113) 92 -
7. RE in BundlesAction.convertPluginManifest (522) 73 -
8. SE in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 69 -
9. STE in HttpClientFileSystemBrowser.runRequest (259) 66 -
10. SISPSIE in ProvUI.reportStatus (112) 65 -


1. SISPSIE in LegacyHandlerService$HandlerSelectionFunction.compute (134) 20 -
2. SISPSIE in PapyrusContentProvider.getElements (105) 14 -
3. SISPSIE in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor (1432) 10 -
4. IAE in GC.setFont (4407) 10 -
5. SISPSIE in ClientContextManager.configureBindings (520) 8 -
6. CE in PrepareInstallProfileJob.resolve (135) 7 -
7. RE in Graphics.throwNotImplemented (1228) 5 -
8. NPE in Util.resolve (207) 4 -
9. CME in AbstractEList$EIterator.checkModCount (758) 4 -
10. IOOBE in SynchronizableGmfDiagramEditor.revealElement (175) 4 -

Parallel Tools Platform:

1. NPE in IDE.getWorkspaceFile (410) 2 -
2. NFE in TileLoopRefactoring.setLoopTilingStepNumber (288) 1 -

PHP Development Tools:

1. RE in AbstractDebuggerCommunicationDaemon.handleMultipleBindingError (143) 38 -
2. RE in Resource.checkExists (342) 20 -
3. IOE in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened (161) 14 -
4. SISPSIE in OptionsConfigurationBlock.testIfOptionsComplete (171) 14 -
5. BLE in PhpTokenContainer.checkBadLocation (446) 11 -
6. ME in ModelException.propagate (119) 10 -
7. ME in ModelElement.newNotPresentException (270) 8 -
8. RE in Resource.checkExists (334) 7 -
9. AFE in Position. (62) 6 -
10. SISPSIE in OptionsConfigurationBlock.testIfOptionsComplete (171) 6 -

Plug-in Development Environment:

1. SISPSIE in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) 22 -
2. SISPSIE in MinimalState.addBundle (76) 21 -
3. BE in ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest (550) 18 -
4. RE in SiteEntry$1.accept (293) 18 -
5. BE in ManifestElement.parseBundleManifest (550) 16 -
6. FNFE in LocalFile.openInputStream (369) 15 -
7. CE in PluginModelManager.getExternalBundles (638) 13 -
8. FNFE in LocalFile.openInputStream (377) 11 -
9. FNFE in LocalFile.openInputStream (369) 10 -
10. RE in StandardVMType.generateLibraryInfo (660) 7 -



Remote Application Platform:


1. NPE in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 13 -
2. NPE in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 12 -
3. UHE in RSECorePlugin.getLocalMachineName (265) 10 -
4. E in (459) 9 -
5. UHE in RSECorePlugin.getLocalMachineName (265) 7 -
6. NPE in SystemTempFileListener.checkLocalChanges (379) 7 -
7. SISPSIE in (459) 6 -
8. SISPSIE in (459) 6 -
9. UHE in RSECorePlugin.getLocalMachineName (265) 5 -
10. SISPSIE in (459) 5 -




1. PNFE in XMLHandler.getPackageForURI (2625) 16 -
2. RE in ModelingProject.getMainRepresentationsFileURI (227) 9 -
3. RE in TransactionalEditingDomainImpl.runExclusive (340) 3 -
4. CCE in RegistryStrategyOSGI.createExecutableExtension (184) 3 -
5. ISE in TransactionChangeRecorder.assertWriting (348) 3 -
6. SISPSIE in ModelingProject.getMainRepresentationsFileURI (235) 2 -
7. NPE in AbstractExportRepresentationsAction.getExportPath (154) 1 -
8. SWTE in Label.setText (602) 1 -
9. SISPSIE in DynamicAcceleoModule.compile (458) 1 -


1. CNFE in BundleLoader.findClassInternal (439) 3 -
2. TE in WaitForReadyStep$ (105) 2 -

Trace Compass:

Web Standard Tools:

1. NPE in ADTMultiPageEditor$InternalLayout.layout (90) 54 -
2. NPE in ADTMultiPageEditor$InternalLayout.layout (90) 51 -
3. IAE in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 47 -
4. RE in FeaturesAction.generateSiteReference (493) 45 -
5. HIDDEN in XMLLoadImpl.load (175) 45 -
6. SWTE in StyledText.getSelectionRange (4705) 37 -
7. SDRME in XMLModelParser.removeStructuredDocumentRegion (2265) 34 -
8. IAE in FileBufferModelManager.calculateId (485) 32 -
9. SDRME in XMLModelParser.removeStructuredDocumentRegion (2222) 30 -
10. CE in ResourceFileBuffer.create (238) 28 -


1. NPE in JavaInfoUtils.addExposedChildred_Method (449) 32 -
2. NPE in AstEvaluationEngine.evaluate (71) 17 -
3. IAE in Image.init (1294) 15 -
4. IAE in InvocationEvaluator.evaluate (262) 10 -
5. NPE in AstEvaluationEngine.evaluate (71) 8 -
6. NPE in FormDimensionInfo.setFormSpec (430) 8 -
7. AFE in (225) 6 -
8. NPE in JavaInfoUtils.addExposedChildred_Method (447) 4 -
9. DE in JavaInfoParser.prepareParseContext (1195) 3 -
10. CCE in DesignerEditorContributor.setActiveEditor (33) 3 -


1. AC in ProblemReporter.handle (2366) 18 -
2. NPE in ParameterizedTypeReference. (55) 1 -
3. CCE in TokenScanner.getTokens (137) 1 -


1. RE in MarkerUtilities.handleCoreException (225) 23 -
2. SISPSIE in JarPackageFragmentRoot.computeChildren (104) 21 -
3. AC in ProblemReporter.handle (2366) 18 -
4. JME in JavaElement.newNotPresentException (556) 14 -
5. RE in Resource.checkExists (342) 10 -
6. SISPSIE in CrossReferenceTemplateVariableResolver.resolveValues (56) 1 -
7. SISPSIE in PartialParsingHelper.reparse (81) 1 -
8. PE in AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory.create (52) 1 -
9. PE in AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory.create (52) 1 -
10. PE in CompoundXtextEditorCallback. (39) 1 -

Thank you for your assistance.
Your friendly error-reports-inbox.

Codetrails GmbH
The knowledge transfer company

Robert-Bosch-Str. 7, 64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49-6151-276-7092
Mobile: +49-179-131-7721

Managing Director: Dr. Marcel Bruch
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 91940

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