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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Who has pushed emf 2.10.1.v20140901-1043 to

Am 30.01.2015 um 10:00 schrieb Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:


Projects using the xtend maven plugin as part of their build have seen
build failures since yesterday night!

I think the reason is a mismatch between the version scheme used by this
unknown person who uses

2.10.1.v20140901-1043 vs the artifacts at maven central use

Beside causing trouble to many projects the bigger question is whether
we need a strict policy who is allowed to push stuff to nexus on behalf
of e.g. the emf project.

/me thinks that if you are not the project owner and you need artifacts
not published by your favorite project you better do that in your own
Thats a good point! 
I also don’t understand the reason to provide a copy of artifacts already released in maven central.
If there are some issues contact the emf-dev team to get them solved.

FYI: Martin Taal (@MartinTaal) is working now on 2.10.2 and pre 2.11.0 maven central releases.

Best regards,


Thomas Schindl, CTO EDV Systemhaus GmbH
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck
Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck
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