OCL is at +1 but depends on Xtext at +2.
We build at +1 against the latest Xtext I-build incurring a risk
that we might have to rebuild again at +2/+3. Hopefully such a
rebuild would fix only trivial problems.
We have been doing this for over a year and recall only one problem
that was stressful given the short timescales but not that hard.
The risk is much reduced if your dependents provide I/N-builds
regularly and do not make last minute API changes. This is necessary
anyway since if you do not monitor your dependents until you do your
final build you give them only hours to respond to the bugs that you
reveal; no chance; you have to fudge a workaround. With regular
latest state builds you can often report bugs within a week giving
plenty of time for retraction/resolution.
If your build options are correct a rebuild can produce the
identical deliverables making the rebuild test easy. We had to
eliminate obsolete practices such as mapping.ini in which the build
time was incorporated into source and so guaranteed a pseudo-change.
Ed Willink
On 08/01/2015 20:40, Chuck Bridgham
I'm posting this to
cross-projects because
we are considering a change that requires a significant
dependency (jGit).
A new contribution to JSDT
around support for Bower _javascript_ package manager runtime, and
this has
a jGit dependency.
Our biggest issue from a build
is we (WTP) have a +2 offset, while jGit is +3. I'm actually
this has remained at +3.
I'm looking for advise how to
what options do we have to consider this change? Ask for jGit
move to +2? Change the packaging
of the JSDT bower support to be
What have other projects done in this case?
Thanks - Chuck
Senior Architect, WebSphere
Tools, Eclipse WTP PMC Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
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