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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [] Anyone doing regular testing on Windows 8?

On 03/27/2014 04:36 PM, Daniel Megert wrote:
Forwarding John's note to eclipse-dev [1] to hopefully get more responses.



Please reply to this if you are regularly using and testing Eclipse Platform Luna integration builds on Windows 8. The Eclipse project PMC is considering adding Windows 8 to our reference platform list [1], but we generally only do this when we know the target platform in question is being regularly used/tested by the committer/contributor community. We are not currently aware of any contributors or committers who are doing this today, so please let us know if you are.

Since JBoss Developer Studio 7.0 (based on Kepler SR0), QE team at JBoss have run acceptance tests scenario (manual tests) on Windows 8, using both Oracle VM for Java 6 and Java 7. Windows 8 is considered as one of the supported platforms for JBoss Developer Studio ( ), and we are not aware of any specific problem on Windows 8.
Last tests have been completed on JBDS 8.0.Alpha2, which was based on Luna M4; and some tests are currently in progress for JBDS 8.0.Beta1, which is based on Luna M6.
We do not test integration build, but always use the latest milestone available.

JBDS includes most features of Eclipse JEE package. Feel free to ask for more details if necessary.

So it's a +1 to add Windows 8 to the supported target.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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