As you may know, we recently moved the /shared/jobs directory from
the shared location onto a local filesystem on the Hudson master.
We did this because some projects were experiencing
".nfs" problems wiping their workspace, as some files were still
being reported as "opened" on the shared filesystem. An open file
cannot be deleted.
Requiring you to use http/https to access build artifacts has
resolved the issue -- however, it brought upon us numerous other
issues. One of those issues is the performance: downloading large
files directly from Hudson seems to be hit-and-miss. This is not a
network problem, as downloading from http://localhost/...
directly on the Hudson master performs rather poorly.
At this time, Matt and I would like to take a step back and get a
better understanding of your needs (or, better yet, your build
workflow) before we do anything else. As of right now, we are
considering moving the hudson master "jobs" back to where it was --
/shared/jobs. We are aware this would reintroduce the .nfs
workspace delete problem, and it's why we would like your feedback.
Matt has opened bug
366696. If you could take a moment to explain, as concisely as
possible in bullet-point form, what your build process is, it would
very much help us understand how we can perhaps make Hudson better
and easier to use.
Your friendly neighborhood webmasters