I have been testing Hudson 2.0 for the VTP internally at our offices the past month. We use the following tech during our builds:
Everything seems to work well. We do not use slave machines so I can't vouch for that functionality.
On 09/14/2011 10:18 AM, David Carver wrote:
So this brings up a question...when was the last time Hudson
itself was upgraded? Do we have all the latest security patches,
and fixes that have gone on in the latest code?
One of the first things that should occur is to make sure we have
the latest versions stable versions of everything installed.
Start using Hudson 2.0.
On 09/13/2011 03:28 PM, Denis Roy wrote:
While we're in a security-conscious frame-of-mind...
Many projects allow the Hudson user account to write to their
download directories. Projects use one of these two ways to do
1. They add an ACL on their download directory that allows the
Hudson Build user to write there.
2. They chmod 777 their downloads directory, thus allowing
everyone full access to their downloads directory.
Most of you understand that #2 is a clear violation of any kind
of security we hope to maintain here at Eclipse. Don't do
it. Please ask us for alternatives.
While #1 may seem like a better option, it has implications.
Allowing Hudson to alter downloads means that other committers
can alter your downloads via a Hudson job. I am not worried
about this since I trust our committers.
The issue is about trusting a public-facing application
(Hudson) and all its plugins, each of which may contain
security vulnerabilities. If unauthorized control of Hudson was
achieved, downloads could be replaced with compromised ZIP and
JAR files.
As Hudson can sign on behalf of the Eclipse Foundation,
compromised downloads would appear authentic with digital
signatures and valid checksums. A keystroke logger could leak sensitive credentials to a third party. This is how
unauthorized root access begins. Far-fetched? Not at all.
The above is not a stab at Hudson, Winstone or any other
specific software -- all software may contain a vulnerability,
including the Apache webserver and the Linux Kernel.
Hence, I strongly recommend you use a promotion job on
build.eclipse.org which publishes known-good content from
Hudson. A simple script which reads a state from Hudson, runs
some sanity checks and wget's files and saves them in the
downloads directory is a great start.
I appreciate your taking the time to read this. My goal is not
to encumber you with senseless, counter-productive dogma, but to
strike a balance between security and convenience... with a
slight bias towards security :-)
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